Chapter 44

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Maggie's POV:
I climb on top of it. It's high enough so the bears can't reach us. I look down. Shawn is still on the ground and the bear is dangerously near. "Shawn hurry!" I say and reach down to help him.

He takes my hand and I try to pull him up with all of my strength. "Are you okey?" Shawn asks holding me. I nod and start to laugh. I have no clue why but I just find this situation funny.

"Why are you laughing?" Shawn ask chuckling. "I don't even know." I say still laughing. "I'm just happy." I whisper and lean my head onto my knees, looking my boyfriend into his beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you. So much." He whispers and gives me a sweet kiss. "And I love you too." I say grinning. This moment is just perfect. Even if there are hungry bears down there waiting for us. We just sit there cuddling and kissing waiting for the bears to go away.

"How late is it?" I ask shivering. It's really cold. He looks at his watch an sighs. "Almost five in the morning." Shawn yawns putting his head on top of mine. "They are still here." I mumble.

"What should we do?" I ask, playing with the ring on his finger but I don't get an answer. "Shawn?" I ask and try to stand up but he's holding me tightly.  "Are you seriously sleeping?" I laugh. "Huh? Well I'm tired." He mumbles.

"Come on we have to go." I state and stand up causing Shawn to groan. He rubs his eyes and looks up to me. "And how are we supposed to get away?" He asks.

"Do you see the big tree right there? We are going to jump on it and then into the river. The river is not that deep so it's not going to be a problem. Then we are going to run to the car!" I say proud of my plan.

Shawn just furrows his eyebrows and looks at me like I'm crazy. "What?" "Maggie are you serious?" he asks and stands up too. He stretches himself causing his hoodie to go up.

Well, I'm staring again. "Babe if we get home alive you can see me shirtless as long as you want." Shawn winks. I hit him lightly on the arm. "Shut up." I mumble. My cheeks probably bright red. We walk to the  end of the rock.

"Maggie honestly I don't think that's a good-" before Shawn could finish I jump onto the tree holding me up by a branch. "Oh god Maggie!" Shawn shouts but soon regrets it by hearing a loud growl.

"Calm down Shawn. It's easy!" I say in a low voice. He sighs and jumps, almost landing on the ground. He pulls himself up groaning. The sun is already rising which dips the sky into beautiful colors. "Come on." I chuckle. "Maggie no! This is a bad idea." Shawn says and stops me.

"Just trust me Shawn." I put his hand away from mine and jump into the river with Shawn right behind me. My head is still underwater. My bracelet is stuck on something.

Bubbles escaping mouth as I try to pull my wrist away but it doesn't work. My head hurts like hell. I must have hit it some where.

I start to panic as the air in my lungs gets less and less. Suddenly two arms wrap around me and pull me out of the water. I gasp and start to cough.

Shawn carries me as fast as he can to the other side of the river. He manages to sit me on the gras sitting next to me.
"Thanks. My bracelet got stuck on something." I breath out, holding my pounding head. I put my hand down to see blood.

"Is it bad?" I ask. Shawn just looks at me and touches my forehead where the wound is. "Ouch. Please don't touch it." I hiss, pushing his hand away. "I told you that this was a bad idea!" He suddenly yells making me shrug.

He looks really mad. "But Shawn it didn't happen any-" "No Maggie! This could have ended so much worse! What was I supposed to do, if you would have been unconscious! Huh? This happened just because you never f*cking listen to me!"

My head is pounding even more now and I start to get dizzy. "At least I thought of something." I mumble with tears in my eyes, trying to stand up.

Shawn heard it. "I can't believe you. How can someone be so stubborn!" He mutters angrily and starts to walk to the car.

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