Chapter 98

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Maggie's POV:
„Maggie, wake up! You are late for school!" I hear my little sister scream and seconds later I feel a pillow being thrown into my face.

„Mhm." I mutter, hiding my face in the mattress. As I hear the sound of her footsteps disappear, I roll onto my back sighing. My head is pounding horribly.

"Shit!" I curse, noticing how late it is. I'm already half an hour late for school! Stumbling, I manage to get into bathroom quickly tying my hair into a high ponytail. I wash my face, trying to make my red eyes less visible.

I honestly look like a zombie today but it doesn't matter now. I apply concealer and a bit of mascara, so I don't look as bad.

I take a black jeans and a light pink knitted sweater, slipping it on. While rushing down the stairs, I look at my phone to see if Shawn texted me.

Normally he sends me a good morning text but I guess he forgot today... He's so mad at me. I was so stupid but I just don't know how to apologize. I tried yesterday but he didn't want to hear anything.

I guess we didn't break up but what if he wants to? No. It's normal for couples to fight. Right? I mean we kind of fightet a few times and we still made up everytime.

I walk into the kitchen, sighing. I already almost missed the first lesson, it's no use to stress about going to school now.

"I'm taking Melly to school. Should I drive you?" „No I'll walk." I say, pouring milk into a bowl filled with cereals. „Maggie, do you want to talk about something? You know that you can tell me." My aunt says, walking towards me.

I shake my head, walking over to the kitchen isle and sit down on one of the stools. She sighs, looking over at me. „I think you two will be late if you don't go now." I state.

"We'll talk tonight okey? Don't be even more late to school!" my aunt calls, heading towards her car. After I ate my breakfast, I finally decided to go to school. Even though I could just stay home today.

Laying in my comfortable bed all day sounds heavenly right now. My phone dings, causing my heart rate to increase immediately. Maybe Shawn... uh it's Damian.
Damian: Hey Maggie! I was wondering if you want to go eat something tonight?
You: Sure, what about the little diner?
Damian: Of course, it's your favourite. :) See you there at 7 ?
You: Sounds good.
No it's not a date but I can't say no. The diner is nothing fancy. I like the atmosphere there, it's just relaxing. Maybe that will help getting my mind off things.

I rub my forehead, trying to get rid of the headache as I suddenly remember something. Oh god! I have a maths test in the next lesson and I completely forgot to study! Today is definitely not my day. I sigh, plugging my headphones in. I can't change it anyways now.

After about 15 minutes I arrive at school, where I make my way to my locker. Grabbing my books, I head the classroom and start to look at the formulas I have to know now. As if I'm going to remember all that!

My phone dings again but this time it's Shawn. I start to smile a little at what he texted me.
Shaw: Good luck with your maths test now! You are gonna rock that.
You: Thanks but no. I kind of forgot to study...
Shawn: Don't worry, just do your best xx
I lock my phone again, as the teacher and the other students walk in, among them a freaked out Leah followed by an amused Aiden. They sit beside me and Leah gives me the please get me out of here look.

I smirk at her as I get a really stupid idea but why not? I grab my phone motioning Leah to look at hers. Smiling she nods, putting it into her pocket again. „Now class please quit the talking.

This test will be important for your grade so I hope you studied enough." The teacher says, handing us the papers. Noticing I literally don't understand anything, I look over to Leah who seems just as clueless.

"You have thirty five minutes from now on." The teacher states, walking towards his desk. After a few minutes Leah starts to cough loudly. „Leah are you okey?" Mr. Gibson asks, heading over to her.

"Oh god. Mr. Gibson she's coughing blood!" The girl in front of her, shrieks. Trying to hold my laughing in, I start to cough too. Squeezing the berries, I fortunately brought with me, in my closed hand causing the redish liquid to drop onto the desk.

The whole class is filled with whispers by now. „Mr. Gibson we have to get them to the nurse!" Aiden says, worryingly. Poor him he doesn't know our plan.

"Class, please stay calm! The test is going to be next week. You can leave now." the teacher says, walking with Aiden Leah and me, to the nurse. „I'm going to get her just stay calm." Mr. Gibson says, clearly overwhelmed with the situation and leaves.

As soon as he's out of the room Leah and I erupt into laughter and I give her a high five for our great work. Aiden stands there puzzled, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Calm down, babe. It wasn't real blood." Leah giggles, planting a kiss on his cheek. „You could have told me!" he replies, crossing his arms but his mouth curls up into a smile anyways. „I have to say, that was awesome." Aiden laughs.

„We know." Leah states, winking at me. After about an hour of persuading the nurse, principal and maths teacher that we are okey, we are allowed to head to our next classes. I have a free period now which means I could catch up on maths.

I really should if I want to pass. I walk into the library, searching for a free desk as my eyes land on Shawn.

He sits there with Luc and Jackson laughing about god knows what. I walk to a desk where I could see him from and sit down, putting my stuff onto the table. I

I didn't notice that I caught his attention but as I look up he's already staring at me. I look back not really knowing what to do.

I don't know if he's still mad at me but to my surprise he shows me a little smile. I smile back but his smile fades again as he looks behind me.

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