Chapter 83

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Maggie's POV:
"Oh really? Then have fun. I'm going." he says angrily, looking at me for a few more moments before he turns around and disappears in the crowd.

„Fine!" I mutter even though I know he can't hear me anymore. Okey maybe I had a bit too much to drink but that doesn't mean he has to act like that. I walk towards the others again, standing behind Shelley as they continue to play.

The loud music pounding in my head. As I look around I notice that my sight is still a bit blurry and everything starts to spin. I have to get out of here.

Slowly, I make my way past all the drunken teenagers. I manage to get into the kitchen where less people are. Searching for my phone, my eyes suddenly land on a boy standing across from me on the other side of the room.

He has a clown mask on his face, making me slightly uncomfortable. Oh come on Maggie. This is a Halloween party what do you expect?

I pour some cold water in a glass and drink it to get the dizzy feeling away. The whole time I watch the boy with the mask who is still standing on the same spot, looking into my direction. Okey?

That's kind of creepy. I look around to see if anyone of my friends are here but I can't see them. Gulping nervously, I head towards the living room, hoping I'm just paranoid again.

My phone vibrates. The panic starts to rise in me as I grab it out of my little handbag.
Unknown number: You look great tonight Maggie. Come into the back of the garden where the pool is.
You: No definitely not
Unknown: Oh... well I just thought you would want to keep your little friend a bit company? She really doesn't seem fine at the moment
What? No no no. What does he mean?
You: Who are you talking about?
Unknown: Leah's her name right? Your choice if you want to help her or not. You have three minutes
What the hell? Should I believe him? He just wants me to come there for sure. It's probably a trap. But what if it isn't? Leah's was with the others a few minutes ago. Why would she be outside now?

Quickly, I head over to the spot where they were playing the game.  
As I get there, I see Luc and Aiden standing besides the couch with a few other boys but I don't see Leah... or Shelley. "Luc!" I shout, approaching him.

He turns around giving me a smile. "Hey Maggie, what's up?" "Where are Leah and Shelley?" I ask worried. Confusion takes place on Luc's face as he processes what I just said.

"I-I haven't seen them for a while. Why ? Is something wrong?" He asks. "Forget it." I say and head towards the backyard. "Maggie wait!" I hear Luc shout but I ignore him. If it's really true that Leah's with him then I don't have much time anymore.

I try to run as fast as it's possible with these high heels as I suddenly bump into someone. "Oh sorry." I  say and was about to go farther as I'm being hold back.

„Maggie what are you doing?" Jackson questions, puzzled. "I um... I just need to get a bit fresh air." I chuckle, trying to wiggle out of his grip. "I'll go with you." He states. "Why?"

"Have you already forgotten that you aren't supposed to go alone somewhere?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. "Jackson honestly I'm just going into the garden for a bit. No need to follow me." I say trying to reassure him.  

"Then why are you so nervous?" He looks at me suspiciously, still holding my arm. "Let go of me okey? I'm not nervous and I have to go now." I say and head quickly down the wooden stairs into the garden.

„Oh come on." I grumble as my high heels prevent me from  walking without falling over, so I put them off. I look around for the pool and as I spot it I run towards it

"Hello?" I ask seeing not a single person here. "Leah?" I call out, hoping she would answer. I walk behind the pool where some trees are standing as I suddenly see a persons back facing me. "H-Hello?" I stutter.

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