Chapter 114

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Maggie's POV:
„Come on now." Damian urges, getting out of the car. I wipe my tears away, walking around the car to where he's taking our stuff out of the trunk. „Here, I'll take the rest." he says, handing me my backpack.

I take it, hanging it around my shoulder. He closed the trunk and takes the suitcase. „Remember what I said, baby." he whispers into my ear before planting a kiss on my temple. „The flight leaves soon, let's get going Damian takes my hand in his free one, pulling me along with him. Wordlessly I follow him, keeping my head low.

„Maggie, stop looking like that. Trust me, everything will be okey." he reassures, stopping to walk. For some moments it's silent so I look up to him, his gaze already on me. „Don't I get a kiss?" he asks, a slight smirk on his lips as he pulls me closer. I quickly look to the side, noticing some people eyeing us skeptically.

He is going to hurt Aaliyah if someone finds out. I have to act like I'm okey with this. Showing my best fake smile I look up to him again, slowly leaning closer and placing my hands around his shoulders.

Smiling satisfied, he connects our lips for a short kiss. „Good." he whispers, taking my hand again as we continue to walk. I quickly wipe my mouth with the sleeve of my hoodie. I just feel so gross everytime he kisses me. I watch as he quickly gets something from behind a car.

„What is that?" I question, pointing at the envelope. „Our passports. There were complications but I got someone new to bring them here." he smirks. Great...

We reach the entrance of the building. „Are you finally going to tell me where we are going?" I ask, looking around. The airport is full of security men and crowded by people. Still I'm here right beside my kidnapper, not being able to call anyone for help. It feels even worse than to be locked somewhere.

„Atlanta." Damian says, smiling down at me. I sigh, closing my eyes. „Don't you like it?" he asks but I could hear annoyance lacing through his voice. „I do like it! I've actually always wanted to visit the city." I say smiling. „And now we can even start a life there together." he says, squeezing my hand gently.

I swallow the sick feeling, looking away from him. He doesn't seem to care this time since we just keep walking. „Hungry?" he asks, as we pass the waiting area with some little supermarkets. „No thanks." I respond, shaking my head. „You haven't eaten anything today."

„I'm not hungry." „Then at least drink something." he states, sighing. God, I can't keep up with his mood swings. First he's a psycho who's willing to kill someone so he can keep me and then he acts like the sweetest boyfriend in the world. I can't believe that this was once the boy I loved.

Was he always like that? Did I just not see how obsessed he can be? Maybe he got like that because his parents never cared about him. But... why would he break up with me then. It doesn't make sense but I shouldn't care.

He isn't the Damian I knew before our break up anymore. „Here." He hands me a a water bottle and some sweets. „Eat a bit of that okey? We still have a few minutes." he tells me, pecking my lips. I do what he said, so I don't make him angry.

While I Damian is typing on his phone I look around again. Is this it? Someone's going to find me, right? It can't be that a 18 year old boy kidnaps me forever... I just have to wait a bit longer but I'll get away from him.

I hope so... „Our flight is leaving." he says, standing up and grabbing our stuff. I stand up too, walking beside him. We stand in the line where we and out luggage gets checked.

„Next." the security guard says, so I walk towards him.I look at him, opening my mouth but no words come out. This is my chance... but I can't.

„Everything okey?" he asks, eyeing me confused. „Y-yeah. i'm just a bit afraid of flying." I chuckle, trying to seem normal. „Don't worry." he says, nodding. „What is that in your pocket?" he questions.

„It's just a ring." I answer, showing it to him, quickly putting it back. "Okey you can go." I smile, grabbing my backpack and walk towards Damian. „What did he say?" he asks, pulling me a bit away from the people.

„He just noticed that I'm a bit nervous because of the flight. I don't really like flying." I point out, showing him a smile. „You don't have to be afraid. What was that you showed to him?" "What do you mean?" I question.

„Maggie, I'm not dumb. What was it? Show me." He says, pinching his eyes at me. I sigh, pulling the ring out if my pocket. I hold it up and was about to put it back again as Damian takes it from me.

„It's just a ring from my mom." I say, reaching out to take the ring. "Oh really? Since when is your mom's name Shawn?" He asks. "Damian, please give it back." I plead.

„You don't need that anymore, baby." He grumbles, throwing it into the crowd of people.

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