Chapter 77

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Maggie's POV:
„Come on Maggie are you serious?" Shawn whines, as I push him back slightly. I laugh, crossing my arms.

I got out of the hospital today morning after staying there for about one day. My aunt and sister arrived a few hours ago too and now she's staying with us at home, so my mom doesn't have to worry.

The doctors said, if I don't walk too much or do something exhausting the next days I'm going to be fine soon. My left thigh, some deeper scratches and my jaw still hurt a bit but it's bearable.

"You really think I would just forget that with you and Stefanie in the cafeteria?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. Shawn huffs, sitting on the edge of the bed besides my blanket covered legs.

"I know it was stupid and I'm sorry but why did you let me kiss you yesterday if I can't kiss you now?"

"Because I was too tired to be mad at you but now I'm fully awake and able to be mad." I say, pulling the blanket more up to me. „But-." „No, that's your punishment for not pushing her away." I reply, trying to hold back a grin.

He looks so adorable when he's frustrated. Shawn exhales deeply, his back colliding with the mattress. „Can we at least cuddle?" he asks hopefully. I shake my head smiling.

„Nope." „Maggie..." he groans, running a hand trough his curly hair. „Don't be such a baby." I chuckle as Shawn glares at me.

"Could you please bring me some sweets from downstairs? You know I shouldn't walk so much..." I ask, smiling innocently. I have to say he's the cutest boyfriend.

Even if he knows that I'm just too lazy to go and get it myself, he always brings me everything I want.

"Of course." he mutters and heads towards the door. „I love youuuu." „Mhm." he mumbles. „There are muffins too!" I call after him. „I love you too!" He shouts back, making me chuckle. I take my laptop from the nightstand and search for a movie we could watch.

While scrolling through Netflix, I see the screen of Shawn's phone lighten up in the corner of my eyes. I was about to ignore it as I see what is standing on the screen.

"New message from Unknown Number." What? That can't be. I grab it and unlock it before clicking onto the message.

I just notice that I never wondered how he got the picture. The unknown number sent it to him of course but how was the picture made or who made it? „Don't try to ignore me Shawn. Just don't come near Maggie. Trust me it's better." I read out loud.

"So what does the princess want? Chocolate, M&M's or-." Shawn says, coming in with lots of stuff and muffins. „Shawn." I say and pat the spot next to me. He frowns as he sees me with his phone, sitting down next to me.

"The unknown number texts you too?" „Look Maggie, I was going to tell you today but I wanted you to be relaxed for a while without worrying." he apologizes.

"Shawn I'm not angry but look." I reply, showing him my phone so he could read the message which I got ftom the Unknown Number.

"He thinks that we are still not together." Shawn mumbles, after reading the message. „Maggie for how long has he been texting you? Please be honest with me this time." Shawn says, taking my hand in his.

"I-I first got a message before the party at Micheal's." I answer, looking onto our intertwined hands.

I hear him sigh. „Can we promise each other something?" he questions, making me look up to meet his gaze. „We are not going to have any secrets from another again okey?" „I promise." I say smiling a bit.

"But what now Shawn. He's literally saying that something bad is going to happen to you if I don't stay away from you and he also texted you not to trust me." I add, frustrated.

"I guess he wants us to be apart but who cares? No one is going to prevent me from being with you Maggie. Never again." Shawn says, leaning in to kiss me but I turn my head, so he just kisses my cheek. „Remember no kissing and cuddling?" I tease him. He rolls his eyes and sighs once again.

"Don't be mad babe." I laugh. "But seriously Shawn we can't just act like it's nothing. The time you were in New York he knew where I was everyday and sometimes it felt like he was directly behind me.

Remember how you saved me from drowning in the pool and the time Leah got shot? We still don't know who that was. I don't want anything happening to you Shawn. I can't loose you." I say, worriedly.

"Maggie you are not going to loose me. Trust me we'll be fine-." „No Shawn, I can't risk that." I interrupt him, shaking my head. „What should we do?" he asks, frowning.

„He wants us to be apart Shawn.... so we just have to act like we are, for while." „No-."

"Shawn we are not breaking up okey? We just have to act like it when we're in school. Or anywhere else outside..." I mumble. I don't want to do this.

I just got Shawn back but I don't know what the stranger is capable of. „Okey... But you still have to be near me as much as possible. I need to protect you." Shawn says sighing. „Okey." I answer, a small smile on my lips.

"I love you so much." Shawn says, returning the smile. „I know." I state. „Are you not gonna say it back?" he asks, acting hurt. „It back." I reply, grinning. „Say it." Shawn pouts, coming nearer to me. „It."

"Haha you are so funny Maggie." he scoffs, putting one hand on each of my sides. I lean back until the back of my head meets the pillow. „I know." I laugh. „Say that you love me." Shawn whispers, his lips ghosting above mine.

"Hey no kissing and-." I get cut off by Shawn's soft lips connecting with mine. „Shaawwn." I mumble against his lips.

„Shut up." he states, quickly pulling away to speak before leaning down to kiss me again. Finally I decide to kiss him back, tangling my fingers into his curls.

He starts to trail gentle kisses down my jaw and along my neck, causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin.

"I love you." I giggle. Shawn looks at me with a satisfied smile. „Oh and before I forget to tell you. My ex goes to our school now." I mumble, playing with a curl which is hanging onto his forehead.

"Are you kidding me?" he groans and snuggles his head into my neck, causing me to chuckle.

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