Chapter 87

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Maggie's POV:
„What about?" „I don't know yet she says she wants to talk with me in person." I reply, locking my phone. "Do you think she wants to move?" Shawn asks, wrapping his arms around me while placing his head onto my shoulder.

"Shawn what if I have to leave?" I mumble, leaning against him. "Hey I told you no one's going to take you from me again. I mean that." He whispers into my ear, placing then a soft kiss onto my cheek.

I smile turning my head to look at him, finding him already staring at my lips. I reach my head a bit up to meet his lips with mine. "Kids dinner is ready in about half an hour. We have a special guest today." as she walks in, he pulls away sighing.

„God." He mumbles. I chuckle as she searches for a movie. "Don't be mad at your mom. She's lovely." "Mhm. She just has a bad timing." He says, chuckling afterwards. "So what are we gonna watch?"

„Hmm. What about Titanic?" I say, grinning. "Oh come on I've watched that with you about one hundred times. Please choose another one." Shawn whines. „Fine." I mutter.

„What about Hangover?" Shawn asks. „I have enough of parties lately." I sigh. „That reminds me. What happened at the party with Leah?" I tell him how I saw a boy with a clown mask and that the unknown number texted me again.

„The stranger with the mask tied Leah up in the basement. We still don't know why... Jackson found her when the others and him were looking for me." I tell him. „You should have told me at the party." he sighs, running a hand trough his hair.

„Oh really? When? While you were smoking or while you were high?" I ask, annoyed. „Okey... sorry. I'm just worried." he says. „I know but I don't want to talk about this now. So which movie?" I scroll down Netflix until I see Shawn grinning.

I follow his his gaze, seeing that he's looking at Fifty Shades of Grey. „We are not watching this movie." I laugh, hitting his arm lightly. „What? I didn't say anything." Shawn replies lifting his hands, chuckling. „Mhm." I mumble.

We decide to watch Grey's Anatomy, till dinner's ready. „Kids please come down!" We hear Shawn's mom shout. I try to hop off the bed but he has a tight grip around me.

„Shawn come on I'm hungry!" „But you are so warm." he mumbles, squeezing me lightly. „I think I smell muffins!" I cheer, hoping he would give in. „Nice try." he chuckles, starting to kiss my neck.

„Shawn! Y/n are you coming?" Karen shouts again. „Or else you won't get muffins!" Shawn's eyes widen at her words, making me laugh. „She really has muffins?" he says and gets off bed with on his back. „Shawn not again." I squeal, sliding down his back.

We walk down the stairs and head into the kitchen. But as Shawn see who's sitting there, his smile fades immediately. Noah's sitting there besides Aaliyah, whose face is completely red.

I wink at Aaliyah, causing her too look down even more embarrassed. Poor Aaliyah. I'm glad it never was like that with me and Shawn.

As Noah sees us he smiles nervously. „H-hey I'm Noah." he says. „I know. I remember how you and Aaliyah sneaked in when our parents weren't home-." „Shawn." I warn, pushing him in the side with my elbow.

I smile at them before sitting down, next to a grumpy Shawn. Throughout the whole dinner he kept glaring at Noah, always trying to find something bad about what Noah tells us. „So you are on the hockey team?" Shawn asks skeptically.

„Uh... yes. But I'm better in the goal-." „Maybe you should practice more." Shawn replies blankly. „Umm yeah I s-should." Noah stutters. Now, all of us are looking at Shawn warningly.

This poor boy is already uncomfortable. Shawn just makes it worse. I kick him into his shin, making him look at me for the first time since we are sitting at the table. I raise my eyebrows but he just ignores me and looks over to Noah again.

After a horribly long dinner Aaliyah quickly heads into her room dragging Noah along. Shawn and I help silently to put the dishes away and then we go upstairs too.

„Shawn." I stop him as he was about to go out of his room again. "Could you please calm down? He's nice and Aaliyah can make her own decisions you know." I say pushing him back gently until he sits down on the bed.

„I don't like him." He states. I roll my eyes and sit down on his lap laying my arm around his shoulders. „Oh really?" I ask sarcastically, earning an eye-roll from him. "Shawn he's not bad. Just let her be for once. Okey?"

He shakes his head, before pressing his lips to mine. "I'm her older brother. It's my job not to like her boyfriends." He states breaking the kiss to speak, only to continue kissing me right after. "Mhm." I chuckle. He's such an idiot sometimes.

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