Chapter 69

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Maggie's POV:
It have been three days since that night. Shawn ignored and avoided me in school as much as possible. I tried to talk to him multiple times but every time I come near him, he doesn't even look at me.

I don't know how many times I've called and texted Shawn. None of them were answered... he doesn't even read the texts anymore. He hates me... it hurts. I cried so much these past days, that there aren't any tears to shed anymore.

Everything feels so empty and numb without him. I probably look like a zombie.
But why doesn't Shawn trust me? I know he has a "prove" but he didn't let me explain once. I was about to walk to the cafeteria when one of my favourite people stepped in front of me.

"Oh my god Maggie! What happened? You look even more horrible than usually?" Stefanie asks in her way too high voice, laying one of her hands over her mouth.

„Very funny." I mutter, not in the mood for her bullshit now. I try to push past her but she grabs my arm, preventing me from walking.

„Since Shawn isn't your boyfriend anymore, he's free for other girls again, right?" she whispers, her face close to my ear. There was something so sharp in her voice, causing shivers to run down my spine.

„I mean who doesn't want a taste of the Shawn Mendes?" Stefanie laughs devilishly, flipping her long dark hair over her shoulders. Ugh I just want to beat the shit out of her little fake ass but what good is it for me? She winks at me and heads with her little slaves into the cafeteria.

After a few moments I walk after her too. Since Shawn broke up with me, Luc and the boys sit with him and Leah and Shelley sit with me. They believe me that I didn't cheat on Shawn but he doesn't care what the others think.

I don't know what Aiden believes but Luc is obviously on Shawn's side even though he seems to be skeptical. I feel even more bad now, because of all this Luc and Shelley are kind of fighting.

„Did you get a chance to talk to the dumbass?" Leah asks, as sit down next to them. I just shake my head. "I could rip his head off." she mumbles, violently stabbing her food. "Me too but also my boyfriend's head." Shelley says, glaring over to them.

"Shelley I don't want that you and Luc fight too because of me and Shawn. It's okey if you go to them and Leah you can also sit with Aiden." I sigh, looking over to them.

Shawn doesn't look at me once. He's so cold, like it doesn't bother him. Like I'm just one of many girls he can have. Maybe that's what I am.

„I'm not going anywhere Maggie. We three are beat friends and best friends hold together." Shelley says, smiling at me proudly. "Yeah sister before mister." Leah cheers, making me chuckle slightly. "There is the smile I missed." Shelley teases.

„Thank you two so much." I say smiling but it soon fades as I see the lovely Stefanie standing up from her seat and walking over to... Shawn. Her friends watch her giggling and whispering. Stefanie, who wears a way too short dress by the way, stops directly in front of him, placing one of her hands on his shoulder.

Shawn looks at her confused at first, then quickly over to us. His gaze meeting my for a split second. To my surprise I don't look away. I just keep gazing into their direction. Stefanie says something, making everyone laugh.

Even Shawn smirks up to her, since he is still sitting, as she runs her painted fingernails over his neck. Really Shawn? Suddenly she sits down on his lap, her little friends now strolling over to the boys too. And Shawn?

He doesn't do anything about it! He just puts an arm around her back. Okey that's enough. „Maggie-." „Just leave it Shell." I mumble, grab my things and walk out of the cafeteria. I could catch a glimpse of Shawn before the doors closed again.

He was watching me but didn't move an inch. He's doing it on purpose. Boys are all the same honestly.

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