Chapter Eighteen

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~Sirius' POV~

I'd never thought there'd come a time when I'd want to keep secrets from my father. However, the night Derrick Arden was killed, everything changed...I changed. The twins had been right; there was blood on my hands, so much blood leaving an eternal stain on my very soul. It was this dark, twisted way of thinking that made the twins decide I needed a vacation. I wasn't sure how they managed it, but they somehow convinced the principal to give us time off enough during the break to take a luxury cruise.

"Come on, Sirius, my love, the ship will leave without us at this rate, why are you dragging your feet?" Esme sidled to my side as we pushed our way through the milling crowd at the South Ampton Port.

I never much cared for sailing of any kind, the incessant rocking motion always unsettled me, it made me feel like a fresh foal just learning to use its legs. "Why couldn't we have just gone somewhere inland?" I grumbled bitterly.

"What's more romantic than a luxury cruise?" Esme swooned as she slid her arm in mine and folded me against her drawing me much closer than was socially acceptable causing passerby to stare.

Emile trailed closely behind us in silence being as mysterious as ever. His hand suddenly splayed across the small of my back as he moved forward to fall in stride with me. The skin beneath his touch burned and I drew in a sharp breath as he suddenly leaned toward me so close his lips brushed against the tip of my ear.

"If you feel unsteady, lean on me." His eerie voice breathed tickling my ear with his hot breath and sending a delightful shiver down my spine.

"Eh?" Esme grinned mischievously, "Emile are you hinting that we may yet again see our beloved Sirius in an endearing state of vulnerability?"

Before I could protest, someone bumped into us from behind nearly causing me to topple over. Emile lightly swept me away from danger as Esme released her hold on me and turned to confront whoever had accosted me.

"Pardon me; I was in a hurry-." The young man's voice suddenly cut off as Emile steadied me and I managed to step away from him.

Curiously I turned to the man who'd bumped into me. He appeared to be in his early twenties with pale skin and two-toned hair. It was a coppery blonde on top with dark roots underneath. He wore a pair of black framed glasses and I found myself somewhat mesmerized by his vibrant green eyes. His gaze was trained on me, staring in awestruck horror.

I turned cautiously expecting there to be some ghastly monster looming behind me, but found nothing out of the ordinary, "Is it customary to rudely accost a lady and then treat her as if she has the plague?" I growled in a monotone peeved by his peculiar behavior.

Emile partially stepped in front of me and cast his arm out as if to shield me from the strange young man. "I thought you were in a hurry." He noted tonelessly.

"That's right." Esme smiled eerily, "Run along or you'll be late." Her rose colored eyes took on an eerie glow for a moment, though I was sure it was a trick of the setting sunlight.

"What's your name?" The stranger asked me in awe ignoring my companions.

"You've not provided me with yours." I pointed plainly.

"Ronald Knox." He smiled in a suave manner.

"Don't waste your time with common filth, my love." Esme cooed to me softly while shooting the newcomer a glare.

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