Chapter Three

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After lunch, I left the school I walked out into the parking lot and left. I don't have time for these teachers and there stupid bullshit. I walked down the street kicking a bottle along the pavement. I was concentrated on not getting the bottle in the street when i heard my last name. I looked up and saw Mr.Grassley I looked at him. he's not my teacher so I continued walking when he said my name again I walked faster and he said it once more louder "WHAT WHAT DO YOU WANT" I yelled he looked at me a little taken back but spoke "Why aren't you in school mister bieber" he said "Cause I don't want to be" I said "Mister bieber you can get in a lot of trouble" he said in a concerning voice oh please like he cares. "I don' and nor should you so if you don't mind I'll be heading home now" I said walking away. he sighed and walked off. finally I thought that fucker would never leave me alone.

I walked home quietly getting out my keys and unlocking the door I walked in to see a very unpleasant sight. Derek and what's his name Micah making out on the couch Derek's in college if I didn't tell you and you know how they say you experiment in college well that what he's been doing for the past four weeks now. I crawled on the floor to get away from them as I was making my way to the staircase I heard his voice. "Justin Come here" he spoke. I cursed underneath my breath and walked into the living room. there faces where no longer snogging on each other. "Hi Derek " I said "Why aren't you in school" he asked me "They let us out early rapid dismissal" I lied "Don't you go to Demi's house when it's a rapid dismissal" he asked. I parted my lips and looked around seeing that Micah boy eyeing Derek. I scrunched up my nose and looked at Derek "She had a doctor's appointment" I lied once again "Hmm" he looked at Micah with a smirk "I'm going to Micah's place don't do anything stupid and if you leave the house lock all the doors" he said. I nodded He got up and grabbed his book and left out the door with Micah following him very closely. I rolled my eyes as the door closed. I kicked off my shoes and took off my jacket. What to do what to do when your home alone. I pulled out my phone and looked up "things to do when your home alone" I didn't like the options they gave me so I put my phone down and turned on Netflix I went I to the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of snacks before going up stairs and changing into some sweats socks and a white v neck. I flicked thru the movies and shows and stopped on Teen Wolf. Mmm yes I really do enjoy hot guys taking off there shirt and fighting with each other. I pressed play and started watching.

I was at the season finale of season three when my phone rang. I paused my show and picked up my phone answering it "Hello" I said waiting for the voice to speak "JUSTIN" well damn why you gotta yell for. "OW and yes" I spoke into the phone.

D: "WHERE HAVE YOU'VE BEEN" I heard and i know it's Demetria. I was going to speak but she went on





I hung up and looked at myself and what I've just did. she crazy weird and funny I'm only two of those I don't know if I can be funny but anyways that's why where best friends cause where one and the same. (a/n you see my pun there hehe) I turned back on my show and watched it. I was balling my eyes out when aiden died not so much about Allison but still the feels and emotions came out of me as I cured into the pillow. I heard a knock at My door and got up, I wrapped my blanket around me and opens the door to meet the face of Demetria "J-baby what's wrong" she said lowering her voice. well didn't she get here rather fast. "nothing" I said sniffling "Your crying , your eyes are red and puffy there's obviously something wrong" she said he voice was filled with concern "I'm fine and Hi Demetria " I said walking back to my chair and sitting down next to my.pile of junk food "Justin how long have you've been here" she asked looking around "Since 2:45 pm" I said "You skipped the rest of the day" she said more like yelled. "Yeah" I said calmly returning back to my show and eating my bag of cheetos  "JUSTIN YOU CAN GET SUSPENDED FOR THAT" she yelled. I just continued to speak calmly "I know that Demetria" I said smirking a little "UGHHH STOP CALLING ME THAT"  she said. I nodded and patted down a seat of her. she looked at where my hand was and sat down but not the place I told her to sit she sat in between my legs. I wrapped my blanket around her as she rested her back on my chest I turned my head and continued watching teen wolf. This how things usually go with me and Demetria she yells I'm calm she gets tried she sits she eats some if my snacks and boom where sleeping. I was at the part of watching season four trailer when.My eyes started getting drowsy I looked to see Demetria half asleep with a bag of chips next to her I rolled up the bag of chips I had gotten and closed the boxes of candy setting the on the floor. I watched the screen once again it said on Tuesdays and 9/8 c I nodded and closed my eyes drifting into slumber.



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