Chapter Thirty-Five

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Mystery Person POV

I smiled victoriously and walked into the main office for the morning announcements. My plan is in full action.

There's going to be an assembly to show everyone in the entire school what a slut he is. With help from the computer geeks everything is going to be in order.

This is going to be fabulous.

Justin Bieber POV

I walked into class and took a seat before putting my head down. Hello hello hello students welcome to bright and sunny day here at Everest High school today we will be having a assembly at seventh period. Oo a free period I get to spend with Jason Hehe.

I haven't been feeling to well so Jason is planning the wedding with my input of course. Its weird cause I kinda feel like the woman in the relationship but it's okay. I enjoy planning our wedding they way we both want. Derek and my grandparents are helping to pay for it. But its mostly my way hee hee.

I closed my eyes and started to dirft to sleep.


It's um six period and I'm still very tired. Um the assembly is in a few seconds I think. I still just want to sleep. But I can't cause I have to go to the assembly that no one even knows what it's about.

The bell rang signaling that we have to go to the adutiorum. I got lazily and made my way there. I took a seat in the far back and put on my hood. I slouched down in the couch. The lights dimmied down. I looked at the screen a picture face ? poped up. I groaned this is what the person meant. So that means that they go to school.

Justin Bieber the school whore. I rolled my eyes and continued watching. Justin Bieber 16 years old  is in a relationship with this man. Jason's face poped up. I could feel people's eyes on me. I got up and grabbed my bag. I need to get to Jason and fast.  I walked to Jason's office and opened up the door.

The sight held before me broke my heart into pieces. I looked as Jason as he was begin pressed up against his desk by officers. He looked back at me he mouth opened like he was going to say something but nothing came out. "Jason" I said but came out dry and  hoarsely. Everybody's attention turned to me.

An officer came up to me  "who are you ?" he asked "um Justin Bieber" he nodded "we need you to come down to the station alright son" I nodded and looked at Jason his eye.. was bleeding.

"stop it your hurting him, you jackass" I yelled. They carried him out I followed them. I wavhed as they put him in the back if a cap car. Our eyes locked with each other. He gave me a small smile but I just couldn't return it.

I got out my phone and dialed in Derek's number "hello" I heard. Why did this happen ? What did I do ? "Jay are you okay" " meet me at the police station" I hagned up.

Why did this happen to me when everything was going so well?


Hello my loves how are you. Um this book might have a short/long sequel to it. Uh did you enjoy this chapter I'm sorry I'm not very good at like drama and shit. How was your Christmas ? Have a wonderful day my love bye bye babes *kissy face*

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