Chapter Twenty-Six

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                I walked into school with a big ass smile in my face. I'm so happy oh so happy. I made my way to class but someone grabbed my hand. I looked at who it was Austin. "Oh hi" I said smiling "hey I haven't seen you in like three weeks" he said and he was right I've been spending most of my time with Jason considering that we can't do much in school. "Sorry but always tell me what's up with you and demetria" he rolled his eyes "demetria has been doing her own things you know with the singing and stuff but other than that she has a new boyfriend" I looked at him and he looked back "what's his name"I asked "um..Nick, I think" I clapped yay they got together.

                "So what up with you" I sighed "oh nothing you know just plain old me" I looked around the hall way and smiled small as my eyes landed on Jason. He looked at me and I waved at him. "Oh I see" I heard I looked up "wha-what are you talking about" he nodded.

                "I know the whole crush on my guidance consular thing I see" oh thank god he was assuming I was dating him. I smiled small "you still didn't finish answering my question" he shrugged "me nothings that new I got a girlfriend and stuff",I smiled at him "aw you got a girlyfriend" I said while nudgeing his shoulder. He nodded "what's her name" "oh that's not important" he said I nodded. "Well I gotta go bye bye love" I said turning towards the staircase.

Derek Bieber Point of View

                I crawled onto my bed and pulled the blankets over my head. I hate begin sick and begin home alone. I groaned and turned on my side. I want Micah. I pouted and reached for my phone. I dialed in his number. "Hey bab-" "Micah" I said quietly not trying to hurt my already damaged throat  "yes"he replied  "where are you" he sighed "for the fourth time Derek I am doing a costumers photoshoot" well isn't he begin mean "no need to get upset about" he sighed "look I got to go baby" he said "wait" I heard a beep. Oh well fuck you. I rolled my eyes and rolled over in my bed as my back hit the wall.

Justin Bieber Point of View

                I rested my head on Jason's chest as he ran his hands through my hair. "How was your day" I asked. "It was okay, I missed you though" he said I smiled "I saw you taking to your friend" "yeah haven't seen them in a while" I looked up at him and he looked up at me "why don't you go hang with them" I shrugged "they all have boyfriends and girlfriends now"  he looked down at me. I sat on top of him. "Well your not alone" he said

                I rolled my eyes "I actually kind of am" he pouted "don't do that, you know no one knows about us plus were secretly dating what if someone finds out I'm still a minor and your not so they can think things" he nodded "but your still mine" he puckered up his lips, I smiled and bend down connecting my lips with him. The bells chimmned.

                I pulled away from him, got up and grabbed my bookbag. I looked at Jason and walked over to him I pecked his lips "bye love" "bye" he said I started to walk to the door when a felt a sting on my ass. I pouted and looked at Jason as he smirked at me. "Your going to pay for that McCann" I said he smiled at me before I left. Who dose he think he is slapping my butt like that.

                "Justin" I heard I looked back  Demetria. I waved at her "want to hang out tonight" I nodded "great its a triple date" what the fuck is a triple date. "What the fuck" I asked "Me, Nick, Austin, Charlotte, You and a friend of mines" ohhhhh "a group date" she nodded "um sure" she smiled "yay" "wait did you say Charlotte" she nodded "oh fuck that I'm not coming"

                "Justin please" I shook my head "it happened like five months ago" she pleaded "eh"I said  "please jay please" I groaned "I guess" she clapped "yay" I frowned and started walking to science class.


        I sang along to Zendaya My Baby as Jason drive to my house. "Babe" I looked atnyim as I lip sang the lyrics. "Where here" I smiled "thank you love" I said "I'll see you in like fifteen minutes" I nodded "okay but" he looked st me and arched his eyebrows "but what" I coughed "I'm going on a blind gorup date with my friends and bitch I dislike."

Jason looked at me "who is the blind date and please don't call it a date" I sighed "I don't know and fine its not a 'thing'" I put up air quotes around thing. "Now who's is this female that you don't like" I rolled my eyes "her name is Charlotte she a bitch cause she fucking retarded" he smiled at me "you know that's not a good reason" I shrugged "I know."

                "Just tell me the reason" I nodded "okay so when I first came to the school I decide to join the cheer leading team and you know I was like the first boy or whatever so you know how cheerleaders all sit at one table. I didn't do that I sat at my own table and stuff and then she became all bitchy telling me what to do and shit and the she started motherfucking bullying my ass so I beat her ass up and pulled her hair out, I got kicked off the team but eh it felt good to out her in her place" I explained.

                He nodded "interesting back story my love I'll see you in like fifteen minutes okay" "okay but I'm going on a blind date with this boy" "who"he asked i shrugged "don't call it a date" I  nodded and  He nodded " I'll see you later baby boy" I can placed my lips on top of his. Before moving away. I got out and walked towards my house. I opened up the door and heard loud moaning, curse words and names begin yelled filled the house. I gasped and ran out the house. I sat down on the porch and waited it well more like guessed when they would be over with.

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hello my loves how are you. I updated :D welp. the picture is of Sean O'Donnell if you didn't know i don't have anything to say actually so bye my loves I'll see you next time bye love.👄💕💞

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