Chapter Thirty-Four

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I looked down at my ring and smiled before slipping it back in pocket. I can't wear it in school cause then people will ask question and start rumors. And I don't have time for that bull shit. I never realized he got my name encrusted but its sweet he did. The bell rang. I got up and grabbed books before leaving.

I made my way to class. I hear things from people. Things obviously mean i heard rumors like 'he's sleeping with everybody in the school', 'he has herpes that's why he's been so quiet' 'he just nice now'.

It's funny cause all of those are flamboyant except for the last one. I'm only nice cause I have someone that cares about me and I'm engaged to that special person. I opened up the door.

I yawned and took a seat in class. "Hi Austin" I said he gave me a small smile and waved.  I put my head down and waited for the period to end.

Jason McCann's POV

I put all of Justin papers back in his folders. I'm done at this school...literally Justin isn't having anymore problems, he knows what he wants to do with his future. He dosent help anymore well 'emotion' wise. My sister is coming down from Canada as far as her...well anybody in my family knows I'm still single and working as a mechanic, Yeah I had a lot of odd jobs.

I sat back in my chair when my door busted open. I looked up it was Justin and he was fuming mad. "Need to talk" he looked at me "I'm going to stab somebody" I chuckled at his word I'm not shocked he's said that multiple times even to me when I get him angry. "lock the door and come to me" he followed my instructions and sat on my lap. "What happened babe"

"Okay so I was in class with my head down I wasn't watching the teacher but I was paying attention." I nodded "then something wet entered my ear..someone gave me a fucking wet willy" I scrunched up my nose "so I smacked them" I looked at him and he gave me an innocent smile. "Oh baby,you can get suspended..where did you smack him or her ?"

"on the face" I shook my head at him and kissed his cheek "your such a bad boy" he giggled "only for you" I smiled and kissed his nose "go back to class babe" he shook his head "this is the only place I can wear my ring" I rolled my eyes at him "alright baby" I said opening up my laptop" he rested back on me hiding his face in my neck. I smiled as we sat there silence. I guess my work here isn't finished after all.

Mystery Persons POV

I looked over my power point of destruction it's wonder in one more day Justin Drew bieber will be ruined. I was looking it over when I got a text. I ignored it. I need complete and utter focus on this.

Just imagine tomorrow Justin bieber will be revealed as the little whore he is. 

Sup yo quick chapter here I'll have the next chapter up by Wednesday or Friday. I hope you enjoyed this bye bye loves

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