Chapter Eleven

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        My eye slowly started to open and with that my head started ringing. i groaned and mumbled fuck i looked towards the door to see a figure, i blinked a few times to regain my vision, it was what's his face Derek, Derek ''Derek'' i said reaching for him. he came towards me ''yes Justin'' he said my mouth was dry ''i need..need.. um aspirin or whatever the shit is'' i said he rested a cup and a plate on my night stand ''how do i reach it now'' i said he dragged it closer to me ''thank you'' i said laying my head on my pillow. 

        "Your welcome Jay'' he said walking out my room i took a gulp of the water and layed back down. Man this shit sucks. i picked up my phone it's Thursday, i have no plans hmm...skate park i haven't been there in a while. i quietly got out of bed and sneaked to the door. i opened it up to see a figure standing there, i squealed and ran back into my bed getting under the covers. 

        I heard the door opening i peeked my head out it was Micah ''Oh well hello there'' i said taking off the blanket ''Hey..can i talk to you'' he asked I nodded ''Um you know Derek'' he said i was going to speak then he cut me off ''of course you know him he's your brother'' he said face palming himself, i giggled while watching him ''What dose Derek like ?'' he asked me ''Why do you want to know ?'' i questioned ''I really like Derek and i want him to be my boyfriend'' he said

        I let out a small aw getting a blush from Micah ''okay well.. Derek like adventure like hiking ,bike riding, roller skating and other stuff he dosn't like extreme things  just normal fun things'' i said he nodded ''thanks Justin you are nice'' he said, i rolled my eyes ''Who told you that'' i said in a sarcastic tone ''Derek of course'' he said i looked at him really ''Yeah he's all you talk about now a days'' i smiled little ''Thanks again Justin'' ''Your welcome'' i said he walked out my room closing the door behind him.

         I let out a small smile, Derek talks about maybe i'm not as useless as i thought. I got up and made my way to the bathroom i brushed my teeth cause the rotted of the smell of liquor and vomit.. gotta throw that toothbrush away now. I  washed my face and walked out into my room i searched for clothes i put on grey pant's with dark grey sneakers a  plain white shirt and a purple hood over it. (p.s i'l put a pic at the side). i went through my closet and took out a skateboard i had kept in there.

         I creeped over to the door and opened it up peeking my head out the door i looked to my left down the hall.nothing. i looked to the right towards the steps nothing i guess Derek and Micah left already. I went down the spiral stairs and went in the kitchen i took out a jug of milk and went to the cabinets for the honey smackers.

        I grabbed a bowl and poured in the honey smackers i put it down then digged in the box grabbing a handful and putting it in my mouth, i poured in the milk and then grabbed a plastic spoon, metal spoons are over rated. 

        I sat down on the bar stool next to the island and started chewing away on my cereal. i never noticed how quiet this house was. i wonder how it would sound with babies in it. Probably it would be loud with all the crying and screaming and then it would be quiet when they take nap time. i really want a fucking baby god damnit. i finished up my cereal, grabbed my board and skated to the skate park.

Jason McCann's Point Of View

        I parked my car in the employees parking lot and got out. I know it's not Friday but i came here to do a little research on my new challenge. i looked down at my watch it's 9:45 he should be in second period now. I made my way to the building i pushed open the entrance doors and made my way up the steps.

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