Chapter 42

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No one's POV
The place was getting intense and heated. The two were making out like there is no tomorrow. Carson bit Brynn's bottom lip to let his tongue explore her whole mouth.

They were French kissing and soon Carson's hand went down to her busts and played with it which turned on Brynn.

This is getting heated. Carson and Brynn take of their clothes as the only one left are their underwear.

They got lost in each other which lead one another. Carson pulled out a condom and slide it to his member.

Soon everything was all pleasure and all. They were lost and wild.

The next day they woke up cold and cuddling. Brynn woke up and noticed the messy room.

Her eyes layed on Carson. She screamed from what she saw was shocking. They did it again.

The scream woke up Carson who fell to the floor." Wh-What's wrong?" He asked completely confused.

Brynn grabbed the bed sheet and covered her body. Carson found the condom laying on the floor. It hit him back to reality.

" I'm so sorry." He apologized getting his clothes." It's ok. We both enjoyed it last night. It just I was shocked. I didn't remember last night until I saw your..." Brynn said then looked down to his member.

Carson blushed and wore his boxer. Brynn grabbed her short and tank top. They both got up and went down stairs to eat breakfast since Ashley is gone with Noah and Sadie.

Brynn cracked two eggs and cooked bacon for them to eat. While Brynn cooks she felt arms wrapped around her waist and a head was placed on her shoulder.

" That smells good." He complimented her cooking." Not bad for a future house wife." He added and kissed her cheek turning Brynn into a red tomato.

He kissed her cheek and her temple. She served the food as they sat down and ate. It was nice and quiet.

They both looked at each other and shared a kiss." I love you." Brynn said." I love you too." He said and kissed her hand.

" I promise not to let you go." He said and smiled making Brynn once again blush. She felt butterflies in her stomach. He was so sweet.

Butterflies in her stomach and heart." You're way too sweet. I might have a heart attack if you ever leave me hanging in the air." She said.

" I won't let that happen." He said and kissed her hand once again before they put their plates in the dishwasher and head up to change.

When they were done Kalani came to pick them up cause Ashley called her to bring them to Brynn's grandparents house where Ashley and Brynn's siblings are staying.

" Let's go." Kalani said as the two couple buckled up and held hands as Kalani drove off to Brynn's grandparents house.

" We're here." Kalani said parking in front of a house after an hour drive. They all got down and went in.

" We're here." Brynn called going inside with Carson and Kalani following." Brynn, Kalani." Brynn's grandmother greeted and kissed both in their cheeks.

" Brynn, Kalani." Brynn's grandfather walked in gave the two a hug. Carson was standing there awkwardly." Hi grandma and grandpa, nice to see you again." Brynn said.

Her grandmother noticed Carson looking around." Who's this handsome boy?" Brynn chuckled and held Carson's hand.

Carson smiled." Grandma, grandpa, thus is Carson. Carson Lueders." Brynn introduced. Her grandparents were shocked. They were a fan of Carson since they heard his songs.

" Carson Lueders? Oh how wonderful. We're a big fan of your music." Brynn's grandfather said shaking his hand and pulling him in a hug.

" I'm so glad to finally meet you sir."  Carson politely greeted smiling." How are you here?" Brynn's grandmother asked confused but happy.

" Grandma, grandpa, Carson is my boyfriend." Brynn said. Her grandparents were shocked." Oh, we should celebrate! How long have you been going out? 1 month? 2?" Her grandparents asked overjoyed.

" Grandma, were going out 4 years now." Brynn said biting her lip." Huh! How come you never told me?!" Her grandparents both asked.

" I tried once but it didn't work out cause grandpa scolded me for dating." Brynn explained." That was a long time ago." Her grandpa said.

They all laughed." Please. Sit down." They all sat down in the living room." What did you like about Brynn tell me?" Her grandma asked.

" I liked her because she's kinda, humble, loving, and mostly caring. She's always at my house when I'm sick. She takes care of me and all. Her generosity is the one I liked the most. All her characteristic is any guys dream girl. When I'm with her everyone would say ' oh dude, you're so lucky to have her ' I am very proud of her every step. She's the missing piece in my puzzle. Her eyes just described her all. Her eyes spark when we're with each other. I say to myself everyday ' O my God, thank you for giving me this most beautiful girl in front of me ' it's just a dream came true. It's a fairytale, every princess meets their true love, a Prince that will protect her, and care for her. She's a princess to me. And I want to thank Ashley for raising your daughter this way." Carson explained which made everyone in tears.

Brynn was wiping her tears away and hid her face on Carson's chest. Carson chuckled and stroke her hair.

" O MY Gosh, I can't. Crynn is real." Kalani said wiping her tears away. Everyone did, even Brynn's grandfather.

" Wow, Brynn's grandfather here didn't even said anything when my parents asked him that question." Her grandmother said.

" I'll do anything for Brynn. She's my one and only." Carson said." I love you." Brynn said looking up. Carson gave her a peck on her lips." I love you too." Carson said and hugged her.

" That was very touching Carson." Ashley said wiping her tears away." I know right? Sis, you're so lucky." Sadie said.

Brynn smiled proudly." You'll find yours someday but not as great as my Bumble." Brynn said and slightly laugh. Sadie just rolled her.

Noah smirked." Told you she's gonna say that." Noah said. Everyone laughed. They spend their time talking and Carson saying great things about Brynn. All today their topic us Brynn and him.

Hey guys, I won't be updating for a couple of days. But I promise I will try to spam you as soon as I updated. Love you guys. Make sure to vote, comment, and follow me for more stories. Peace!

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