Chapter 49

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Kenzie's POV ( 12 years later)
" Kenzie." Brynn called standing in front of me trying her best not to cry." Mommy." The little girl called grabbing Brynn's dress.

" What's up Breanna?" Brynn asked kneeling down to her knees to face the little girl.

" I wanna play." Breanna said pouting." Ok. Go tell daddy. He'll play with you. Mommy and Aunt Kenzie are going to talk." Brynn answered'

" Ok." Breanna answered pouting as she left the room. I chuckled." Now, what are you going to say again?" I asked her.

" You look so beautiful in white." She said giving me a hug of the lifetime." OMG, Kenzie!" Annie said running to me and hugging me

" What's up my sis." Lauren said walking in winking at me. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

" What's up baby girl!" Mom said in her dress. I can tell she's been crying. Maddie walked in on the phone calling someone.

" Yeah, I'm on her room... Someone wants to talk to you." Maddie said giving me the phone.

J: Hi love
K: Hey babe
K: Cant wait to see you
J: Me too
K: I'll see you soon
J: Ok. Love you
K: Love you too

I gave Maddie the phone as I looked at the mirror. Greg came in wearing his suit. The photographer came as we take pictures before going to the church.

When we got to the church my friends, families, and other relatives were waiting.

Hayden, Carson, William, and Jack came and held their partners hand as they all lined up.

The twins. Breanna and Carl were on front holding baskets filled with petals as some other kids have too.

As everyone slowly walk to their seats it's time for my entrance. Everyone looked at me in awe as I slowly walk to the altar.

Cameras flashing and people taking pictures of me. As I was near the altar. There was the man I've been waiting to see standing and waiting patiently wiping tears.

Seeing him made me tear up. I stopped as he walk to me and held my hand." You look beautiful as ever." He said swiftly.

I gripped on his hand tight. After a few minutes it's the time for the most important question of all.

P: Johnny, do you take Mackenzie Ziegler to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer?

J: I do

P: Mackenzie, do you take Johnny Orlando to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer?

I was lost in Johnny's eyes. It's the biggest question of all. I can't wait to be with him for the rest of my life.

How many famous couples started being friends when they were little and then dated for how many years and got married? Exactly. 0.

K: I do

I answered. Everyone started laughing. We both looked at our friends and families. They were crying.

Brynn was crying while her kids was confused and trying to comfort her. Lucky. Brynn and Carson got married when Brynn was 22 and now they have twins Breanna and Carl.

Hayden and Annie just got married a month before Johnny proposed to me. Maddie and Jack got married before Brynn and Carson got married.

They have Jessica. My niece. William hasn't proposed to Lauren yet but I hope he does soon.

P: You may kiss the bride

Johnny and I smiled at each other. His hands caressed my cheeks before leaning in for a kiss.

Our kiss was full of passion. I can't believe I'm married now. It's just one of the happiest day of our lives.

Everyone cheered as they wipe off their tears and came running to hug us. They are definitely what you call family.

" Congratulations guys." Jack said." Thanks." Johnny answered." Kenzieboo. Congratulations." Lilia said and gave us a hug.

" Thanks Lilia." I said." You're not so little anymore baby girl." Mom said with tears." I'll always be your baby girl." I answered and gave her a hug.

" Kenzie Ziegler. Or should I say Kenzie Orlando." Nia and Bryce said." Well hello there Mr. And Mrs. Bria." I teased.

We all took photos before going to the venue. We all ate and talk when William asked for the Mic.

He stood in the middle of the hall standing awkwardly and nervous." William, what are you doing?" Lauren whispered talking to him.

" I don't know Lauren but I only knew is." William goes in front of Lauren and bent down on one knee.

Everyone started screaming. Including me and Johnny. I was screaming because of excitement while John on the other hand was screaming No.

Lauren's mouth was wide open." Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" William asked taking out the ring from his pocket.

Lauren was very red and in tears. She nodded and hugged him. They stood up and kissed. We all cheered for them.

William slid the ring on her finger and back to kissing her." No." Johnny said which made me laugh.

Lauren and William pulled away." Why don't you approve? I approved of you and my best friend." Lauren said.

We both laughed." Looks like we are having another wedding coming up." Hayden said. William nodded.

" Then we'll have little Lauren and William running around." Annie said." I can imagine their kids look so perfect." I said as we all laughed.

" Congratulations." We all said to them." Thanks guys." William said.
" Alright now. Let's get this party started." Carson said.

Hey guys. Thank you for reading. Make sure to vote, comment, and follow me for more stories. The next chapter is the last one. I'm working on another book and I just published it. Make sure to go check it out. I hope you guys live this chapter. Peace!

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