Ch1: The Egg

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Rogue's pov

I stood next to Sting just after we took down a gaunt bird that had been harassing the locals when an egg fell on top of Sting. "Oww" Sting whined, his face on the ground.

I looked down at the egg with interest. "I've never seen an egg like this before" I pointed out with interest. "Gee thanks Rogue. Your more worried about egg than your best friend" Sting complained, his face still on the ground.

I picked up the egg as he sat up. The egg had black markings, sort of like flames. I looked the egg over to see if there was any cracks and didn't find any. "It doesn't seem to be cracked. I guess landing on you stopped it from breaking" I explained, placing the egg down. Sting just rolled his eyes

"Maybe it belongs to the bird you guys just killed" Lector pipped up, pointing over at the giant bird we took down. "No it doesn't look like a bird egg. It's a little too small for it to belong to that bird" I pointed out, looking between the bird and the egg.

"Fro thinks so too" Frosch agreed, looking at the egg. "We should take it back to the guild, maybe someone else might know" I explained, picking up the egg and heading to the train station.


"Nope. Never seen anything like it" Rufus explained, looking at the egg. "So you don't know what kind of species is inside it" I asked, a little disappointed. Rufus just shock his head.

"Do you have a spell to speed up the process of the egg" Sting asked, looking bored. "We aren't speeding up the egg. It needs time to grow on its own" I told him, refusing to let them speed up the egg's hatching process. "Fine" Sting sighed in annoyance.

*1 week*

I sat in the guild hall, the egg perched on a table as Sting argued with Minerva about paperwork. I sighed in annoyance, knowing Sting would normally pawn his paperwork off on Minerva or myself. Mostly me since he didn't really like to make Minerva mad but lately because I've been taking care of the egg, Sting has been left to do the paperwork himself.

I was reading through a book, making sure to look up every so often to check on the egg when Sting nudged the egg with his elbow and it fell off the table. "STING!" I yelled, picking the egg up and placing it on the table, checking for any damage.

I felt my entire body freeze when I saw a crack near the top. "Sting you cracked it" I growled, facing him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to crack it" Sting apologized before there was a cracking sound.

I turned to face the egg to see that it was shaking a little and the crack at the top of the egg was expanding down it. It kept cracking until the shell finally broke and sitting in amongst pieces of broken egg was an Exceed.

It was half black and half white with one blue eye and one red eye. It was very small, especially compared to the size Frosch and Lector were when they were only kittens. I could practically fit it in my hand.

(Looks like this but without the outfit and she is a little like a new born baby)

(Looks like this but without the outfit and she is a little like a new born baby)

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It looked around before giving a large yawn, showing no teeth. It then looked at me before reaching its small arms out to try and reach me.

I picked it up as it lay its small paws on my nose, swishing it's tail in delight. "It's like a little kid" Sting snickered, pointing at the small kitten. I just gave Sting a look from my eye, being a little distracted by the small kitten.

"Your going to need a name" I told it as it blinked and tilted its head. "How do you even know what gender it is" Orga asked, looking at the kitten. "Well because it has similar eyes and body shape to Wendy's exceed who is a girl" I told Orga who looked at Rufus before shrugging.

I looked back at her and thought for a minute before coming up with a perfect name. "I know. I'll call you Meian" I told her as she looked up at me, her tiny paws still on my nose.

"Why Meian" Yukino asked, looking at her. "Well it means light and dark and she looks like a mix. You know with the fur and the fact she has one blue eye like Sting who has white magic and one red eye like me and I have shadow magic" I explained.

Miean looked around, almost falling out of my hands when I spotted someone standing next to the door of the guild. I couldn't make out who he was but I knew he wasn't a member of the guild.

What really made me suspicious was the fact that he seemed interested in our small group, nothing else. He was staring directly at us. 'What does he want. Does it have something to do with Miean. No it's probably just a coincidence' I thought.

I shrugged it off and rubbed behind Miean's ear as placed her ears down and tried to grab my nose again. 'I do have to admit that she is like a little kid. With her trying to grab my nose and all' I thought, smiling down at the little kitten.

Miean then yawned, her eyes closing a little as she slowly fell asleep with me holding her. I moved her so that I had her on my arms while she slept on her back so she would be comfortable and sat down, rubbing the top of her head.

The odd Exceed(Rogue x Exceed OC) Where stories live. Discover now