Ch7: Lost Forever

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No one's pov

Gajeel, Yukino, Minerva, Natsu, Rufus, Orga, Wendy, Lucy, Gray, Erza, their Exceeds and Mary were watching as a bright light came from the top of the island they had just arrived at.

"Oh no. We're too late. They started the ritual" Mary spoke in shock, hands covering her mouth. "Rog-" Frosch tried to cry but Minerva covered his mouth with her hand.

When the light cleared, there was a person standing in its place. They had have spiky white hair and half short black hair. Their clothes were a mix of Sting and Rogue's clothes and the golden keys were fuzed into their wrists, 6 on each side and the 13th key on his forehead.

"Shiroi. We finally meet" the man who had hatched this plan spoke. "What do you want from me?" Shiroi asked, not paying any attention to the man's features.

"I revived you so that we could rule this world together" he suggested. Shiroi walked forward and placed a hand on his chest, a blast of shadows exploding through his chest. "I work alone" he explained as the man fell backwards and down the stairs. He was dead by the time he reached the bottom.

"We need to get back to Fiore. Everyone needs to know about this and be prepared. He'll go for the strongest guild first" Mary explained. "What about our friends. We can't just leave them" Natsu objected.

"If we don't warn others, we won't be able to help anyone. You need to trust me" Mary explained. Everyone just agreed.


"So what your saying is Sting and Rogue have been fused together with Rogue's new exceeded to revive an ancient murderer?" Makarov asked. "Yes. He'll be heading here first. I have a spell that could help" Mary explained.

"What kind of spell?" Makarov asked. "I can travel into people's subconscious. If I can bring a few people with me, I can get into Shiroi's head and disconnect your friends which will stop this" Mary replied.

"It's dangerous but alright. Who would you like to bring?" he asked. Before Mary could reply, the doors burst open and Shiroi walked in, eyes scanning over the area.

"So this is the most powerful guild in the country?" he asked before shooting a blast of white light through the middle of the guild. Everyone in the way of the blast ducked down or jumped to the side as a massive smirk appeared on his face.

"Pathetic. You don't even pose a real threat" he laughed. Mary grabbed onto the Exceeds and gestured for the 3 dragon slayers who had tagged along to come with her.

"I need the 3 of you and your partners to come with me. If we hurry. We can stop this before something serious happens" Mary explained. The three nodded. She started to cast the spell as a bright light surrounded them.

They all closed their eyes, shielding their faces until the light was gone. When the light was gone, they were in a massive, white area with nothung but blank whiteness everywhere.

"Where are we?" Natsu asked. "Shiroi's subconscious" Mary replied. "I bet this is what Salamander's subconscious looks like" Gajeel joked. Natsu glared at him but before the two could start fighting Mary asked "Can you pick up any scents?"

All three dragon slayers started to sniff the air until they all faced in the same direction. Everyone ran in that direction until they came across some contraption.

In the middle was some sort of glass tube where Miean was, her paws clutched onto Rogue's ripped sleeve. At either side was half a tube with Sting and Rogue in either one. Wires were connected up to them that led to the middle.

"Quick. One of you fly me up so we can separate them. One of you come with me and the other two do the other one" Mmary explained. Everyone agreed.

Natsu and Mary disconnected Sting while Wendy and Gajeel did Rogue. When the twin dragons were disconnected, they started to gain consciousness.

"Where am I?" he asked as he was lowered to the ground by Natsu and Mary. When everyone was back. On the ground, everything started to shake.

"What's happening?" Wendy asked, her arms wrapping around Carla. "It's become unstable. We need to get out of here now or we'll die" Mary explained. "No. I'm not leaving without Miean" Rogue snapped, staring Mary down.

"Raios, listen to her. We'll die" Gajeel told him. "Not without Miean. She's just as much of a member of Sabertooth as anyone else. I'm noot leaving her" Rogue yelled.

He was about to run to help Miean but Gajeel grabbed onto him and held him up so he couldn't run. He struggled, punching and kicking Gajeel, telling him to let him go.

In the haste, he didn't think to use his shadows but even if he did, he couldn't since both him and Sting were dry on magic power. "Gajeel, llet me go!" Rogue screamed, hitting his idols arms in an attempt to be released.

Mary began to cast her spell. Rogue continued to struggle until he heard a voice. "Rogue" it spoke. He looked up to see Miean awake, one eye closed.

He froze, his breath catching in his throat. That was the first time she had said his name properly. He just stared up att her as the light began to engulf everyone. "I love you" whee whispered before everything went white.

Everyone appeared back in the guild as a bright light had appeared where Shiroi had been. Gajeel let go of Rogue who stared at the light, waiting for it to clear.

When it did, the 13 keys clattered to the ground as Lucy and Yukino ran forward, picking up there keys and talking to them happily.

Rogue just stood there, unable to move. His eyes just stared at nothing, glazing over as tears formed in the corners of his eyes.

Miean had died and he could do nothing to save her. His heart felt like it was breaking as his mouth became dry. Everyone was cheering but Sting noticed how Rogue was just standing there, shoulders becoming slumped.

"Rogue? Are you alright?" He asked, placing a hand on his partner's shoulder. Rogue slapped it away before running out of the Fairy Tail guild Hall, leaving everyone in shock.

Rogue ran all the way back to his shared apartment with Sting. He fumbled about with his key in a desperate attempt to unlock the door, taking about 15 tries to finally unlock it.

He shut the front door and rushed into his room, shutting his bedroom door behind him. Leaning his back against the door, he slid down it, bringing his knees up to his face and crying into them, wrapping his arms around them.

He continued to cry for the rest of the day and didn't budge from the door, even when Sting knocked on it, asking if he was hungry.

From that daay forward, Rogue was not the same.

The odd Exceed(Rogue x Exceed OC) Where stories live. Discover now