Ch19: Its All My Fault

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Rogue's pov

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, hoping everything would be alright. I'd been here for nearly 2 days now and Sting would probably be looking for me. I didn't leave though. Even though I knew that fact.

I had to know if she was alright. I tapped my fingers against the chair, trying to calm my breathing which had become irregular again.

A doctor walked over as I stood up. "Is She OK?" I asked. "She's alive...." the doctor started. "But the damage to her spine was too severe. Not even magic could fix it" he added.

My heart shattered. It was all my fault. She was hurt because of me.

I just nodded before melding into the shadows and leaving. I couldn't bear to see her knowing that it was my fault that she was injured.

I came back to the flat and fell to my knees once I came out of shadow form. "Rogue. Your alright. Where have you been?" Sting asked, kneeling in front of me.

"It's all my fault" I whispered. "What?" he asked. I looked at him. He had a very concerned expression. "She got hurt because of me. I'm so useless" I stated, slamming my hand as a fist on the floor.

Sting's eyes widened. I didn't care. I was even worked up that Sting had lied to me anymore.

"Rogue what happened?" Sting asked, placing one hand on my shoulder.

"Meian got possessed by my stupid shadow and to stop it from taking my body....... She........." I trailed off, the memory hurting too much. "She what?" Sting prompted.

"..... She used her magic to get a tree to fall on her and now she's paralysed" I stated, my eyes becoming wet. Sting froze up.

"It should have been me. She didn't deserve something like this" I stated, digging my nails into the palms of my hand. Sting pulled me into a hug.

"Don't say something like that. She chose to save you. She didn't want you getting hurt" Sting explained. I stayed quite.

It was all my fault. She saved me again and I couldn't save her. Now she could never do what she had hoped to do after joining the guild again.

I broke away from Sting and went to my room, wrapping myself up in the blankets to try and help comfort myself. It was all in vain though.

All that I could think about is that it was my fault.

The odd Exceed(Rogue x Exceed OC) Where stories live. Discover now