Ch12: The Truth Behind The New Behavior

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Sting's pov

I sat behind some bushes, watching Rogue and shadow/light. "Is Sting alright? Frosch thinks Sting was mad" Frosch asked, tilting his head. "I'm fine. Rogue's just being an idiot" I grumbled.

"Why are you watching him then?" Lector asked. "Because I'm keeping an eye on him" I replied. Rogue and Shadow/light were doing some stretches before they spoke about something.

Shadow/light sent a blast of shadows at a tree which damaged the tree greatly. It began to fall just over Rogue and although he avoided it, his reflex was slower than usual.

After a while of watching them, I decided to get Rogue and bring him to help me with my paperwork. I walked over. "Hey Rogue. We need to head back to the guild, I need help with paperwork" I explained.

Rogue was about to object but I grabbed his wrist and dragged him back to the guild Hall. We went into my office and I sat in the spinney chair while Rogue sat in the chair across from me.

I put my spare reading glasses that I kept in the office on and began to work.

After a few hours, I looked at what I'd done. I had a small pile about the size of my hand. I figured Rogue would have down more because I'm not the paperwork type.

I looked over to him and was surprised to find that Rogue had only finished two oof the sheets of paper. He wass staring at one of them, constantly refocusing his eyes on it.

"How have you only done 2 sheets of paper. Its been like 4 hours" I pointed out. He mumbled something, still looking at the paper, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Fine. If you aren't on the paperwork side today, wanna just talk? We need to catch up about some things" I sugggested. He placed the unfinished sheet down and stared down at the table, mumbling an "OK"

"So anything new? Probably not. You were in that state for so long" I started. "I'm in love" he responded flatly, staring at the table. That took me by surprise.

"Anything else? How was training?" I asked. "Meian was amazing with her magic" he responded. "I meant how did you do" I explained.

"Why does it matter how I did?" he asked, finally looking at me. I saw something I didn't recognise in his eyes. It scared me. "Because I want to know how your doing after that whole broken mind state" I replied.

"I don't matter. Miean is all I care about. She's perfect" he responded. That freaked me out even more. This wasn't the Rogue I knew.

He would never say stuff like this. The paperwork thing I could understand, he still looked exhausted. The bags under his eyes and the way his shoulders sagged showed that completly. The fact that he thought he didn't matter and that he only wanted to talk about shadow/light was what freaked me out.

"I'll be back in a minute" I explained. I got up and walked out of my office. I headed down to the library downstairs where the others sat. "Sting? What are you doing down here? I thought you were doing paperwork with Rogue" Yukino asked.

"I was but I think there's something really wrong with him" I explained. "What do you mean?" Minerva asked. "He wasn't able to concentrate properly on the paperwork for starters" I explained.

"He's tired. That's probably having a rebound affect on his body and concentration" Rufus pointed out. "I offered for us to chat and when wee did he just wanted to talk about the new girl and if I tried to egg him into talking about how he was doing, he just said that he wasn't important and that she was perfect" I continued.

Rufus got up and walked over to the bookshelves. He looked over them then handed me a book. I looked at it. It was a book on overcoming obsession.

I looked to him. "You think Rogue's obsessed?" I asked. "How he's acting fits the symptoms of obsession. He can't concentrate, he thinks low of himself, only wants to talk about the object of his obsession and thinks the object of his obsession is perfect because he's only focusing on the positive traits she has" Rufus explained.

I looked back down at the book and gulped. "I'm going to go talk to him" I told the others, walking up the stairs of the guild library.

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