Ch21: Closure

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Rogue's pov

I sat on my bed, looking at my hands which were shaking. My mind was racing at a hundred miles per minute. I tried to get it to stop. Stop the heavy pounding at the back of my head but nothing worked.

I was going to try and find some paracetamol in the house when the front door opened. I walked out of my room, Sting walking in through the front door.

He made eye contact with me. "Rogue. Can we talk?" he asked. "Fine" I whispered. He walked over to the couch and I followed. "Meian woke up" he stated once we were both seated.

I bit my lip. "She was worried about you. She was scared that you'd been hurt or killed" he added. "I'm the reason this haopened. Why would she be worried?" I asked.

"Because she cares about you. She really wants to see you. You should go see her tomorrow" Sting prompted. "But....." I started but couldn't think of anything to say.

"No buts. Please just go" Sting told me. I sighed but agreed.


I walked into the hospital, throat dry from nervousness. I walked down the corridor, looking for Meian's room. I stopped outside her room, the door open.

"How are you feeling today?" someone asked. "I'm fine. I'm not feeling much pain. It's really boring and quite in here though" Meian replied. I blinked in surprise. She sounded perfectly fine.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. I'm sure your friends will come visit you later" the doctor replied before footsteps began to approach the door.

The doctor walked out and spotted me. "She's doing fine before you ask" he said before walking off. I swallowed before walking into the room. "Meian?" I asked, voice quivering.

She looked up, her ears perking and her eyes sparkling in excitement. "Rogue? You came" she smiled, her tail curling happily.

I tried to make my mouth moist as I just looked at her. "Come sit with me. I wanna talk with you. I've missed you" she told me. I picked up one of the chairs and sat down next to the bed.

"Why did you lie to me?" I asked. I wasn't mad. I just wanted answers. She bit her lip. "Well. I can agree with everyone that you were obsessed with me. I didn't intend for this to happen. I just wanted you to get better" she explained.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault" I apologised. A hand was placed on my shoulder. "Don't blame yourself Rogue. I would give my life a hundred times if it meant you were alright. It wouldn't be the first time" she smiled. I blinked in surprise.

"I kinda got my memories back from both of my lives while living with Rufus" she admitted. I let go of a breath I didn't realise I'd been holding.

"You remember me now. From when you were hatched?" I asked. "And when you were trained with Skiadrum. It seems we're supposed to be together. It's like we were destined for it" she skilled.

My cheeks began to heat up as she laughed. "You've always saved me but I've never been able to save you" I explained. "Your wrong. If it hadn't been for you, I would have died several times. When I was attacked by a dragon and you and Skiadrum saved me. When you took down the bird that stole my egg and if you hadn't been there, I wouldn't have been so determined to overcome that creature to save you" she explained.

At this point, my eyes had began to water. "Don't cry. You don't need to cry" she comforted. I got up and hugged her, burying my face into her neck. She was surprised at first but she eventually hugged back. I was so happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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