Ch11: The New Rogue

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Rogue's pov

I woke up to the familiar scent of my room. I felt relieved to know that I hadn't woken up in that horrible place again. I looked around my room. Frosch wasn't there. I was confused by this since he was usually always at the bottom of my bed, curled up but today he wasn't.

I sighed and got up, walking to my wardrobe. I looked through all my clothes. They were all messily thrown into the wardrobe, not even properly straightened out. I'd have to talk to Sting about that later.

I grabbed the tunic I had been wearing when Miean supposedly died. The sleeve was still missing from it. A smile made its way on my face. That meant that I had evidence it was her.

Miean had my sleeve when we escaped from that fused body. I put the tunic back in the wardrobe. Until I worked off the weight I'd gained, I wouldn't be wearing tight fitting clothes.

I grabbed a pair of trousers, a top and a baggy hoodie. Those would work for now. I put them on then looked in the mirror. They still fit and hid the extra weight too.

I then looked at my face. The bags were still there and very promonite. There was nothing I could do about it other then get enough sleep at night. As for my hair, I wasn't sure if it would return to its original colour or not.

I walked out into the hall and sniffed the air. Sting's scent was stale. 'He must have decided to stay somewhere else last night' I thought. I looked over to the couch where Miean lay in what seemed like an awkward position.

I went into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I sat in the kitchen and ate it. After I was halfway through Miean walked in, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

I sat up straight, wiping the drops of milk that sat around my mouth. "Morrning" she yawned, walking over to the cupboard to make herself breakfast.

I just stared, my heart picking up. She turned around with her food and I looked down at my cereal. She sat down in the seat across from me and ate her food. I looked back at her not able to tare my eyes from her.

She eventually looked up and hher eyes looked around. "Uh Rogue. Why are you staring at me?" she asked. "Because you look pretty" I replied. She blushed and her ears fell down against her head in embarrassment.

"Thanks. I have to say you look nice today too" she replied. "Don't say that. I stopped looking 'attractive' when I fell into a horrible state after a friend died" I explained.

"Don't say something like that. I think you look nice" she told me, placing on hand on mine. Joy and relief flooded over me when our hands came into contact. "T-thanks" I replied, my heart racing.

She just smiled at me. She was perfect. I couldn't see anything wrong with her. She was kind, pretty and her scent was something I never wanted to leave my nose. Her voice was smooth and she had just a perfect personality.

"I should get changed. I'm not going to be going out in pjs" she laughed, getting up and placing her bowl in the sink. She left the room as I placed my head on my hands, just thinking about her.

I had to protect her. She was the most beautiful creature in Fiore and I couldn't let anyone harm her. Not again. Even if it meant closing out my friends. All I needed was her. I only needed her. No one else.

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