Ch14: Arrangemens

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Sting's pov

I walked into the apartment, looking around for Rogue. He was knelt down on the floor, staring at the ground. "Rogue, are you alright?" I asked, kneeling next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

He didn't respond at first and I was worried that he had fallen back into that state again. I heard him mumble something that was so quiet that I couldn't make out what he said.

"Rogue?" I asked. "It's your fault" he mumbled but this time I definitely heard it. "Rogue. Don't say stuff like that" I told him.

He lifted his head and looked at me, fury in his eyes. "Your the reason she left" he growled. "Rogue-" I tried to cut in. "You gave her that job" he spat. I cringed.

I hated having to lie to him like this but I had no other options. I was starting to notice that she was Miean and I had accepted that but Rogue had to have a break from her. I also couldn't just send her on a job with b because I didn't know how long this would take so picking the right jobs b would be hard.

I had thought about asking her to stay away from Sabertooth as well but that was unfair. She was a member too. We all settled with having her stay with someone else and I managed to get everyone in the guild to pretend she was on a job while she wass actually just staying in Rufus' house for now.

"Rogue. I did this for your own good and I didn't send her away. I gave her several options and that's the one she choose. I promise that this will all work out" I told him. He slapped my hand away from his shoulder.

"I hate you!" he spat, teeth bared in a snarl. This was a side of Rogue I did not know. He was even more angry than the time I ate the flower Frosch gave him and he disbanded the team. "Want me to get Frosch? He really wants to talk with you" I explained.

"I don't want you to do anything except leave me alone" he growled, getting to his feet. He stormed off into his room and slammed the door behind him, shaking the apartment from the force. I'm surprised the door didn't break. Minerva must have gotten a sturdy door to replace the one she broke a few months ago.

I sighed and sat down on the couch. After a while, someone knocked on the front door. I got up and opened it. Minerva aand Yukino were at the door, Lector and Frosch in their arms.

Frosch scrambled out of Minerva's arms and zipped over to Rogue's door. She pressed her paws against the door and tried to push it open but it didn't budge. Rogue probably locked his door.

"Rogue won't let Fro in. Is Rogue mad at Fro?" Frosch asked, eyes beginning to water and his lip quivering. I walked over and pulled the cat into a hug, stroking his head under the hood of his suit.

"Rogue's just in a bad mood. I'm sure he'll be fine soon" I assured Frosch. As if in response, a smashing sound came from inside Rogue's room, followed by a scream of anger.

"I think it's best if Lector and Frosch stay with someone else for now. Its not safe for them to be around Rogue when he's like this" I explained. "We have to go on a job soon but we could drop them of at 'Rufus' house" Minerva explained, putting air quotes around Rufus.

I knew what she meant. Both Lector and Frosch knew where Meian was. I had to bribe Frosch with sweets to keep him quite but if they stayed with her, that would much easier. They would be safe and Frosch wouldn't accidentally slip up about Meian's whereabouts.

"Good idea. Take them there" I stated aloud then gestured for the three of us to go outside. We walked into the corridor of the apartment complex and I shut the front door.

"Tell her that she needs to keep an eye on the Exceeds" I told them then looked to Lector and Frosch. "The both of you will stay with her until Rogue's all done with this obsession. Once we know he's over it, the three of you can come back. Until then, just stay away from Rogue" I told them. They both nodded, keeping their mouths shut.

I handed Frosch back to Minerva and she nodded. Yukino and Minerva then left, heading to Rufus' house. I just sighed. This was going to be one long few months if not longer.

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