Ch8: Not The Same

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Sting's pov

I walked out of my room, stifling a yawn. I looked around and saw Frosch was right where I had saw her last, curled up against Rogue's door.

The poor Exceed was really upset about Rogue having shut himself in his room for a week. He hadn't left it at all in the whole week so he hadn't eaten all week.

I sighed and walked up to his door, knocking on it like I've done everyday this week. "Hey Rogue, how you feeling?" I asked. No response. I knocked again. Still nothing.

The front door knocked and I answered it. Minerva, Yukino, Orga and Rufus came in. "How is he?" Yukino asked. "Still in his room. He hasn't left it all week" I replied.

Minerva walked up to Rogue's room, Frosch moving out the way since he was woken up by all the talking. Minerva banged hard on Rogue's door. "Rogue, come out or I'll torture you" Minerva ordered. Nothing.

"Strange. That usually works" she grumbled. I went to the door and knocked again. "Rogue. Why don't you come out and we can talk" I told him but once again there was nothing but silence on the other side of the door.

"Rogue really is having a big sulk isn't he" Orga laughed only to be elbowed in the gut by Rufus. Minerva grumbled something then kicked the door with brute force. The door swung open, slamming against the wall. I flinched when I heard the bang.

"I'll pay for any repairs" she explained, walking into Rogue's room. Thee entire place was pitch black, the only light coming from the hall. Frosch zipped into the room and lay flat on the bed.

In the middle of the bed was Rogue, wrapped up in his covers. Minerva pulled the covers back and grabbed Rogue by the collar of his coat which he hadn't changed out of since last week.

"Rogue. Listen to me. You are going to change and come to the guild Hall. That's enough moping about. If you don't, I'll torture you" she ordered him.

Rogue didn't respond. He was currently sitting since Minerva pulled him up into a seated position but he didn't respond he just stared blankly at the wall behind us, his eyes unfocused. He looked a mess too. He had bags under his eyes like he hadn't been sleeping and his hair was disheavled like he got dragged through a bush backwards.

"Rogue?" Yukino asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He just continued to stare at the wall. He didn't react in the slightest. I waved my hand in front of his gaze to try and get his attention. Nothing.

"What's wrong with him? It's like someone sucked his soul out" Orga explained. "We should take him to a doctor" I suggested.

We all agreed. I fixed his hair and changed his coat so he at least looked more presentable. I placed one arm over my shoulder and we headed to the hospital.

We waited for a while until we got called in. "How can I help you?" he asked. "Rogue hasn't been responding to anything and we're worried" I explained. The doctor nodded, helping me get Rogue onto the little bed for examining.

He checked everything then turned to us. "Mr Cheney is in perfectly good health however he seems to be stressed. Any ideas on what could have caused it? Has he been overworking himself?" the doctor asked.

"No. He's been in his room all week" Minerva replied. The doctor wrote something on his clipboard then looked to us again. "Has he experienced the loss of a friend or loved one?" the doctor.

"Yeah. One of our guild members died last week" Yukino replied. "That explains it. Try to get him less stressed. Being stressed like this could lead to some serious health issues including heart disease" the doctor explained.

"What about him staring at nothing and not responding to anything?" I asked. "That isn't a health issue. I'm not sure what that is. He's walking so it can't be any type of medical state that I've heard of. Just keep an eye on him is all I can say" the doctor explained.

"Thanks for the help" Yukino thanked. I helped Rogue up and we decided to head back to the house instead of the guild. I had Rogue sit down on the couch as Frosch zipped into his lap.

Usually when this happened, Rogue would hold Frosch close and comfort the little exceed since it was usually when he got frightened of something. This time Rogue did nothing. He sat and stared in the direction of the TV.

I got a plate and put some leftover pizza from last night on it and heated it up. I put the plate in front of Rogue but he still didn't react. I even tried getting the smell into his nose and still nothing.

"You might just have to feed him if he won't eat himself. He'll starve to death if he doesn't eat and stays like this for to long" Orga pointed out. I sighed and tried one more time to get Rogue to eat but to no avail.

I sighed and slumped back on the couch. Months of worry for him would soon insue.

The odd Exceed(Rogue x Exceed OC) Where stories live. Discover now