Ch20: Hospital

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Meian's pov

I opened my eyes, quickly closing them when a bright light flooded my vision. 'Am I dead?' I thought, slowly opening my eyes again. At first, all I saw was white so I figured that I was dead but after blinking a few times, I started to make out things around me.

I was in a room. A plain white room with a few chairs, a table and a couple other things which included a bed that I was in. I pushed myself up with my hands but gave up doing so when I couldn't stay in an upright position.

I pulled my hands in front of me and looked. They were a little bruised and scratched but otherwise unharmed.

Then I remembered what happened. "Rogue!?" I yelled, pushing myself up with my arms again. I couldn't hear him anywhere nearby. 'Is he dead? Did he still get hurt?' I thought, my heart racing.

The door opened and Sting walked in. He was surprised to see me. "Where's Rogue?" I asked. He averted his gaze. My heart dropped. "He's........." Sting started. "Dead?" I asked.

"No. No. He's not dead. He's just in his room. He didn't want to come today" Sting explained. Hearing that was better than being told he was dead but it still hurt. "Why?" was all I managed to say.

"He didn't want to see you in this state. He blames himself for not being able to help you. I tried to tell him it wasn't his fault but he wouldn't listen" Sting explained.

"I'm fine" I stated. Sting shook his head. This surprised me. "Your paralysed. He's upset about it" Sting explained. That hit like a blow to the chest.

'Paralysed?' was the only thing running through my head. "I can try and convince Rogue to come tomorrow but I don't know if it will work. He doesn't like the topic in general" Sting explained.

"He's alright. Right? He wasn't hurt by that thing, was he?" I asked. "Physically. No. He's fine. Except a slight bruise on his back when he collided with that tree. That's it though. You saved him...................... Thank you for that" Sting explained.

I just nodded. I was taken by surprise when I was hugged by Sting. "Here. You can use this to move your bed up if you want to sit" he explained, pointing to a device at the side of the bed. I pressed one of the buttons and indeed, the bed moved up so I could sit without using my hands to support myself.

"Thanks. I'm just glad Rogue's alright. It would have killed me knowing that I did everything I could to save him and I failed" I explained.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone is grateful for what you did. Except Rogue. He's upset about the situation........ But I'll talk to him tonight" Sting explained. I nodded in thanks.

"Well. I need to go. Minerva is gonna kill me if I don't start working on the paperwork in my office. Stupid paperwork" Sting grumbled before waving goodbye.

I waved back at him before laying my head back on the bed once the door was closed. I was just so physically tired right now. I closed my eyes, just resting my head so that I could at least gett some energy back.

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