Ch4: Attacks

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Rogue's pov

I sat in the guild, watching Frosch play with Miean. I hadn't let her out of my sight since I saw the guy at the resort 2 weeks ago. She had been getting along well with Frosch which was definitely a good thing.

I was about to say something to Sting when the doors of the guild slammed open and a group of people stood there. "Hand over the small cat, the dragon twins and all golden Celestial keys and no one will get hurt" the leader yelled.

Sting got up and walked over. "No one's handing anyone over so either leave or there will be consequences" he threatened. Before he could react, one of the guys pulled out a syringe and jabbed it into Sting's neck who fell limp on the ground in front of them.

I was about to go fight them when I felt something grab the at of my clothes and Miean and I were taken into Sting's office. I turned to face Yukino who looked panicked.

"Rogue. You need to take Miean and find somewhere to hide so that they can't get you" Yukino explained. "But......" I started but was cut off. "Your what they want and we can't let them get what they want. Take my golden keys, go shadow form to get out of the guild and then run so that they can't track your magic" Yukino told me, putting three of her celestial keys into my hand.

I just nodded and turned into a shadow till I got to the outside of the guild where I started to run. I refused to take the train since I would get motion sickness. I headed in the direction of Magnolia since I needed to warn Fairy Tail's celestial wizard.

I pushed the doors open of the Fairy Tail guild hall completely out of breath. I tried to say something but collapsed and passed out.


"Are you sure he's alright" someone asked. "He'll be fine Gajeel. He only collapsed from exhaustion" someone replied. "Rouge" someone else cheered as I sat up, rubbing my head. "Raios, your awake" Gajeel spoke, looking over. Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel stood at the bottom of the bed I was in.

"Where's your celestial mage?" I asked in panic, standing up as fast as possible and knocking Miean onto the floor. I quickly picked her up as she let out a sneeze. Woah. Calm down there Rioas" Gajeel told me.

"I need to talk you your celestial mage. Its important" I told them. Wendy told Natsu to go get her as Gajeel had me sit down. When Natsu returned followed by a blind baited girl. I shot right up out of my seat.

"You need to hide your golden keys" I blurted out, in too much of a panic to think straight. "Why?" she asked. "Sabertooth was attacked and they got Sting who is part of what they want. They also want me, Miean and the 13 golden keys for some plan" I explained in panic. "They got Sting?" someone asked.

I turned to the door to see Makarov standing in the doorway. I nodded. "Lucy, hand Rogue your keys. Rogue, you will stay on the second floor and make sure you don't alert anyone to your presence" Makarov explained. I nodded as Lucy handed me her keys.


I sat in a shadowy area, not using my magic in the second floor, back leaning against a chair. Lucy and Yukino's keys were kept on two separate holders which I held in one hand while I kept Miean close with the other.

"Sared" Miean whimpered, tears in her eyes and her body shaking. "Don't worry Miean. Everything will be fine" I whispered to her. "And that's where you'd be wrong" someone from behind me Spike before I felt a sharp prick in the side of my neck.

I fell to the ground, going unconscious as the last thing I heard was Miean crying out my name.

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