Ch17: Found.......

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Meian's pov

I opened my eyes, one hand placed up to my head. I looked around only to be filled with fear and confusion. "Where am I? What happened?" I asked no one.

"Your in a forest a long way away from civalisation" the shadow laughed. I looked down at my hands, small splashes of dried up blood on them. My throat went dry.

"I didn't kill anyone. Did I?" I asked, hands shaking. "Unfortunately. Those cats were smart enough to get away before I could do anything. The blood is your own" it sneered.

"Why are you doing this? Why don't you just leave me alone?" I snapped at it, having no idea where it currently was. "Because I need you to get Rogue. He's obsessed with you so using your body and threatening to kill you will do the trick. Of course I won't kill you since that will kill me" he laughed. I was going to say something when I heard my name.

"Meian!" I got to my feet and spun around. Rogue stood there, a few feet away. "Don't come any closer. Get out of here. I don't want to hurt you" I ordered.

"I know what's wrong. Just let me help" he begged. He sounded so sure but I couldn't let him. The shadow wanted him not me. If he stays much longer then he'll take over.

"You can't stay. You might know but you can't stop it. You don't understand. I'm just trying to protect you like you tried to protect me" I told him, eyes wetting.

He froze at that. My ears fell down as I backed up more. "Meian. Please stop. Don't do this. You don't have to fight it alone. Not this time. I won't let it hurt you. I promise" he told me, walking forward.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I can't let you come closer" I apologised. "Your attempts to stop me are futile. Rogue can be stubborn. He won't listen. He wants to help you and once he gets close enough, that's when I'll strike" it laughed.

Rogue didn't react to those words so he obviously couldn't hear it. "Rogue. Listen to me. Your not safe around me right now. I don't want to hurt you anymore. You've already been hurt by me before. Don't do this to yourself. I don't want to hurt you again" I begged, wanting him to leave.

He still wouldn't leave. He still kept his distance but he was trying to get closer. This wasn't working. If Rogue didn't leave, I couldn't do what I needed to so I could stop this shadow.

"Don't say that. I won't let that thing hurt you" he advised, walking forward. I was trapped. I was backed up against a tree so I couldn't go back any further.

Withen a minute, Rogue was in front of me. He was about to say something when my head started pounding. I fell to my knees, clutching it.

Knowing this would be my last chance, I whispered "I love you Rogue" before everything went black.

The odd Exceed(Rogue x Exceed OC) Where stories live. Discover now