Ch13: Breakdown

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Rogue's pov

I sat in Sting's office, staring blankly at the large pile of papers on the desk with my head in one hand. The door suddenly slammed open and I almost fell back in my chair from fright.

"Rogue. Can we talk?" Sting asked. 'Strange. I didn't hear or smell him coming' I thought. I didn't answer his question. "OK correction. We need to talk" Sting corrected himself. I didn't respond or turn around to face him.

He walked over and put a book on the table in front of me. "It's about your........ Attachment to your little friend" Sting explained, clearly trying to find the right word for whatever he was talking about. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, a growl forming in the back of my throat.

Sting sighed. "Rogue. Your obsessed. I wanted to put it down nicely but I don't think that'll work" he explained. I stood up, slamming my hand down on the table, causing Sting to flinch.

"I'm not obsessed! I'm perfectly fine!" I growled, meeting Sting's eyes with fury in mine. Sting was scared. I could tell. The scent of fear was coming off him in waves and he was trying to conceal his shaking by grabbing his trouser leg.

"Rogue. Please listen to me. I'm trying to help you. I don't want to see you in pain anymore" Sting pleaded. "Help me?! Help me?! Oh that's a funny joke!" I snapped. "It's not a joke. I want to help you but your not letting me or anyone else. Your pushing everyone away and all we want to do is help you" Sting explained.

I growled. "Don't lie to me. Your trying to ruin my life. If it wasn't for you or Gajeel or anyone else, Meian wouldn't have been hurt when we were put into the same body. She wouldn't have disappeared for months and I wouldn't have been pulled into a never ending darkness for so long!" I snapped.

"If Gajeel hadn't held you back then you would have died. We couldn't lose you" Sting tried to convince me, extending his hand out. I slapped it away.

"Lose me?! Yeah right. You don't care about me. I've always just been your shadow. Always. Your just trying to control my life!" I snapped and for the first time, I slapped him.

It left a red mark on his face but I didn't care. I turned around and stormed off. Rufus, Orga, Minerva and Yukino who had been listening in, looked at me." What are you looking at?!" I snapped before going down the stairs and out the guild Hall.

I eventually found myself at the apartment and just walked in, fumbling with my keys to open the door. When I finally did unlock the door, I walked in before slamming the door shut behind me and sitting down on the couch.

"Stupid Sting. What does he think he's even talking about" I growled to myself. That's when I heard the door open and just quietly. "Go away Sting!" I growled. "Rogue. I- I need to talk to you about something" someone who I definitely knew was not Sting explained in a gentle voice.

I turned around and my heart fluttered. "Meian" I stated before realising that I'd never called her that outloud since she came back. She looked surprised for a few seconds before taking a deep breath.

"I need to go on a long mission" she stated. "I can co-" I started but she cut me off. "I need to do this alone" she told me.

"But why?" I asked. "You need a break from me" she explained. "No I don't. I'm fine. You can't leave me like that" I told her, taking her hand. She pulled it back and turned so that her back was facing me.

"Don't make this harder than it already is" she told me. "Sting put you up to this. Didn't he" I growled. "He gave me the option. I took it. Your friends just want to help you and so do I. That's why I need to do this" she explained.

"Your joking. This is just some prank and your going to say it is any minute now. Right?" I awkwardly laughed, looking around for any cameras. "It's not a joke. I'm being serious. You need a break from me" she explained.

"No. No I don't. I'm fine. If you leave then I'll be all alone" I told her. "Your obsessed Rogue. Even I can see it. The only person that doesn't see it is you" she told me.

"No. You can't leave. You won't leave. I'll make sure you can stay. What is it that you need on this job?" I asked, begining to panic. "I've made my mind up Rogue. I'm going. I'll come back someday but until that day comes, it's best that we stay away from each other" she explained, walking to the door. I tried to say something but no words came out.

"I'm sorry" she apologiesed in a whisper which I only caught because of my dragon slayer hearing. She then walked out the door and closed it behind her.

My legs gave way under me and I fell onto my knees, staring at the door. She left. She's gone. Just like before. "Damm you Sting! This is all your fault!" I yelled in anger.

That was the last time I saw Miean for a long time.

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