Chapter 2: Dangerous Familiarity

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The hands tightened around me. If this son of a b*tch was going to try to kidnap me, I wasn't going down without a fight. I thrust my leg backward, hoping that if it was a guy, I would do some damage. Luckily, I was actually right, and he doubled over just long enough for me to scream. Or, so I thought. His hand was back over me before anything came out besides a muffled cry for help. This time, he was careful not to allow me any wiggle room. The strong arms that held me then dragged me outside, into the woods out back. I couldn't see much, but i could feel his heated breath on my back as he dragged me further until we were swallowed up by the woods' darkness. I was slung against a tree, my back cut by a sharp piece of bark on impact. He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me and my parents won't even know what happened to me. Tears welled in my eyes, and i tried even harder to fight back. The cut across my back made it difficult to do so, as the stabbing pain radiated through my body.  I was failing. He was going to win, and get to have all the pride of killing an innocent, 17 year old girl. Since i was desperate, I saw nothing else to do. I couldn't accept this fate-it wasn't mine to accept. I managed to pull myself together for a brief second, opening my mouth to speak. Nothing came out. Wow, not even a word. The twigs crunched as the dark silhouette moved closer to me, until he was a couple feet away. My eyes, finally adjusting to the light, focused in on this horrible being. I glanced up at the man in front of me. This man-he wasn't quite a man, maybe 18 or 19 years of age. He stared at me, his dark black curls swaying to the slight breeze. He was much bigger than me, and even though i was practically a giant myself, he made me feel small. The black shirt he wore clung heavily to his chest. I slowly met his eyes. My heart thudded, landing in my throat. Piercing blue eyes stared back at me. I knew those eyes. 

I managed to work out a single word.


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