Chapter 29: Blood Lust

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And just like that, whatever emotion I had left in my soul was swept away with the wind.

The dark vortex I was circling into blew up in a flash of light. A slight breeze rustled over my bruised skin, making goosebumps appear all over. Light flooded my eyelids, making them flutter open. Riley was kneeled in front of me, his hand stroking my wrist.

"We're getting out of here. Now."

I looked past his bloodshot eyes to the others. Dante had Gabriel pinned to the ground, his claws held at his throat.

I used to love them both. Hell, I used to love...Colton.. Never again will I interfere with love. It ended up killing all my friends and ruined my life. From now on, I'm trying a different approach to life. Fortunately for Gabriel, Iris screamed at Riley who left me to intervene the lethal brawl going on between the boys. I was going to let him die. I didn't care anymore. I took the opportunity before me, picking myself up, now that my leg felt healed enough to walk on. I walked past Colton's decapitated corpse without batting an eye. I even walked past Captain, who whinnied at me in desperation.

I walked. One foot in front of the other..miles and miles.


By the time I reached the farmhouse, I was drenched in sweat and smelled like a came from a morgue. The stained glass front door was still open from when we left, and I was relieved that I wouldn't have to break it down. Taking two stairs at a time, I finally made it to the bathroom where I stripped down and jumped in the shower, letting the water wash all the dirt and dried blood from my skin.

When I was satisfied, I dried myself off, and walked to my closet. I looked through almost every article of clothing before I found an outfit. Dark denim skinny jeans, lace combat boots, a slim fitting cami, and a leather biker jacket as black as my soul. I smiled at myself in the mirror. If people think I'm a monster, I sure as hell will prove them right.


I had been going about 80 down the rural highway for three hours. Instead of taking my truck, I had taken Riley & Dante's. The black paint job was fitting my mood right now. My stomach rumbled, louder than the radio blasting AC/DC. Hadn't I just fed awhile ago? Was I needing to feed more often...? My prayers were answered when I saw a lone car pulled over on the shoulder of the highway. It's headlights barely pierced the dark veil of night. I pulled over in front of it, turning the truck off and hopping out. I managed to pull off the most concerned look I could, bowing my head a little so I wasn't threatening. I made my way to the back of the red sedan, where I found the two men and one women getting what appeared to be tools out of the trunk.

"Excuse me, but do you guys need any help? I saw you pulled over..and it's really late at night.." I kicked my heel in the dirt.

"Oh my god, yes my phone died, can we borrow yours?" The smaller of the two guys answered. He reminded me of someone that would work at Apple. His friend next to him was almost double his size, around Riley's size and build. I should take him out first. I broke my thought off and saw the women staring at me with a nervous expression on her face. Her brown curly haired ended at her ears, and her brown eyes were almost black at night. I glanced away, breaking the connection and walking back to my pretend to grab my phone. When I came back, the nerdy guy was chatting with the curly haired female about MacBooks. Wow. I was spot on with that assumption. I turned to face the biggest of the three.

"Hey, do you think you could help me pry the glove box open in my car? My phone's in there and I think it's jammed. I'm not strong enough to open it by myself," I batted my eyelashes for effect.

"Anything for a pretty girl," he said, smirking before slapping me on the ass. Men. Such apes. Too bad he has to die. Once he leaned into my car, his back facing me and out of view from the others, I put my hand over his mouth, and sunk my fangs into the thick skin surrounding his neck. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. I smiled at my work, kicking the corpse out of the passenger seat. He better not get my seats bloody.

Mr. Nerd came running over, the frightened female trailing him. He took one look at his fallen friend, and then at the blood smeared across my face and immediately cowered down. Well, there goes my stealth. It's go big or go home, now.

"Look, you probably think I'm a psycho, which..I'm not completely denying, but-" from the corner of my eye I saw an object come towards my face, and dodged it fast enough to avoid getting an unwanted nose job. I turned my head to find the girl staring at my wide-eyed.

"Ok, that was kind of a bitch move," I scoffed, grabbing her by her neck and holding her up against the car. Her pulse was pounding in my grip...her life in my hands. Oh, how easily I could end it. And end it I would. I punctured her throat before she could scream, leaving her breathless as I drained the hot liquid from her as her friend watched. I let her body drop to the road. I smiled sweetly at the only guy left, who had somehow fallen to the floor in order to seek safety. He crawled backwards as I stepped closer to him.

"Please, I...I don't know what you are...but I can't die..I will give you anything you want," he choked out in between tears. I sighed, kneeling in front of him.

"What's your name?"

"Adam." That's a stereotypical nerd name.

"Look Adam, I will take you up on your offer. But, what I really want from you is your soul." My lips formed into a grin.

"You see, I just saw my friend's head roll off his body, and my childhood friend broke my leg. Not to mention my best friend was probably killed from being possessed by a thousand year old witch. So, Adam, you are kind of my ice cream right now. I need ice cream to feel better. And you're my ice cream.

My beautiful goodbye speech was ruined by a certain someone's nagging voice in my head.

"If you kill him, I'll kill you," I could feel the aggression from him radiating throughout my head.

"Oh, boo hoo, it's nothing more than you have done before. I'm gone Gabriel. I'm done."

"I swear to god Zoella-," I pushed my hand through Adam's chest, cracking every rib along the way as I grabbed ahold of his still beating heart. I ripped it out, arteries spurting blood from his open chest as he choked on his own blood.

"It's already done, Gabriel."


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