Chapter 19: Leave it Up to Me

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I didn't leave Dante's side the whole ride to the farmhouse. The boys had lifted him into the bed of the truck, and I stayed in the back with him in the pouring rain. I was so dried out from crying that I didn't have anymore tears to shed. Instead, I laid down next to him until we reached the house. They brought him into an upstairs room where Riley ushered me out. I pushed past him, refusing to leave his side, and Riley called Gabriel and Colton down to take me out of the room by force. I bared my fangs at both of them as they dragged me out, Colton shaken by my appearance. I finally gave up fighting Gabriel's strong grip.

"If you won't let me see him, could you do me...a couple of favors?"

"Depends on what those entail," he responded, sitting me down on the couch.

"I want Cap'n and the other horses trailered down here, along with the dog and cats-"

"I can make that happen-"

"I wasn't done speaking," I replied sternly. Wow, I have never been such a bitch in my life. "I also want you to make sure Krystal leaves, forever."

"Look, I know your'e  upset, but I can't just kick her out..."

"Are you f'ing blind? She shot Dante. If you don't get rid of her, I will. Permanently."

He stared at me blankly, clearly processing my orders. I didn't have time to wait for his answer. 

I got up from the couch and went to find Krystal. I could hear Colton and Gabriel's heavy footfalls behind me. I made my way to the top of the spiral oak stairs before rounding a corner and opening a hallway closet. Retrieving the shotgun, I marched towards her room at the end of the hall, loading the gun as I made my way. I raised the gun, flinging the door with so much force it snapped from its hinges. Krystal was sitting cross-legged on the ground, two human skulls in the center of a pentagram with some candles lit near her. I didn't even want to know what the hell this crazy pyschotic chick was up to, I just want her dea--Gabriel tackled me from behind, the gun's barrel now aimed towards the window instead of her head. I pulled the trigger, the bullet sailing through the skylight, causing shards of glass to rain on us. Colton went to protect Krystal from the glass while Gabriel stayed on top of me.

"Get off of me," I muttered through gritted teeth.

"No can do, sweetheart," he said, making sure to put his full weight on me. I raised my head a little, past Gabriel's face, to see Colton hovering over Krystal. He was helping her brush glass from her dress. He's so sweet he doesn't know when to not be. Jesus. I returned my gaze to Gabriel's amber eyes in front of me. The deep gold color was so beautiful, it was almost hypnotizing. 

"Thanks love," he smiled down at me.

Angry that he had read my thoughts again, I growled at him. He only increased his weight on me. I really didn't want to have to hurt him. Colton got Krystal to her feet, who was obviously faking an injury just so she could get attention. What an attention whore. Lucky for me, she walked right past my head, just to piss me off. Unfortunately for her, I latched onto her ankle. She screamed, trying to pull away from me, but my jaws were too strong. Iris came running in, surveying the situation. Gabriel's fangs dug into my neck, the pain making me release my hold on her ankle. She collapsed to the floor, Colton and Iris running to her. I fought Gabriel the best I could without my hands or legs, but to no avail. My face was pressed into the old carpet, and I was practically inhaling dust. I heard someone pick up something heavy, a large object breaking over the back of my head, causing me to once again, black out.


I rolled over, lulled by the gentle stroking of my long hair. Wait...someone's stroking my hair? I sat up in the bed, alarmed by the presence next to me. Dante stopped stroking my hair, smirking at me. He was shirtless, a large bandage placed across his left shoulder. 

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