Chapter 17: Don't Piss off a Hybrid

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That night, when everyone went upstairs for bed, I went out in the backyard to get some fresh air. These last couple days have been too much. I rolled up my pants, sitting on the ledge of the pool, letting the cool water wash over my legs. I kept my head low, thinking about the past two days. Shit, I forgot to tell the guys that Hunter bonded with me! Motherf-

"He did what?" I snapped my head around, finding Gabriel lean up against the sliding glass door, his arms folded across his chest. Crap. I bit down on my lip. He was obviously pissed.

"I uh, forgot to, uh," I stuttered.

He was at my side in a second, pulling me to stand, his arm gripping my shoulder.

"Why-" his arm got tighter on my shoulder,"Didn't you tell us earlier?" 

I was speechless. I screwed up bad. I killed more people, people with families. The emotions flooded back to me, and a tear slipped down my cheek. I tried to hide my face, but Gabriel pulled my face back to him, his golden eyes staring into me. Ugh. I hated crying. His expression turned to that of compassion, and his grip on my shoulder moved to my waist, pulling me closer to him. Ok..I don't know where this was going... He wiped the tear from my face with his thumb, keeping his eyes trained on mine. I could feel the water clouding my vision. He moved a stray hair from my face. His eyes said it all. Desire. Need. Lust. Oh shit...this was going to happen? I looked up at him, was he serious? With my luck someone would see..

"Tell Dante, I'm not sorry for this," he said, leaning closer to me, his face inches from mine. He crashed his lips onto mine, the sparks igniting. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. I reposistioned my arm around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Things were starting to get interesting, but there was a crash behind us. Please..oh please, gods above same me from who I think that it is. Gabriel and I separated from each other in record time. I turned around, and in the doorway stood Dante, his fists clenched at his sides. What scared me the most was his eyes. Black and gold. Those were eyes that gave me nightmares. He ran at Gabriel and I, who threw me to the side. Dante pushed Gabriel into the pool, both of them beating the shit out of each other. Between the splashing and growls, I screamed for help. Colton was the first downstairs, followed by Riley and the girls. Riley seemed to instantly know what had happened. He jumped in the pool, grabbing Dante and pushing him away from Gabriel, who ignored Riley and tried to swing at him.

"COLTON!" Riley yelled. Colton jumped in, holding Gabriel back while Riley handled Dante. He seemed to be the only person that could handle him, but maybe that was because Dante had calmed down. Gabriel looked at me, his anger radiating off of him. Dante also stared at me, his now blue eyes brewing a new kind of hatred. A jealousy.


I didn't want to talk to any of them. What was I going to say? 'Sorry, I didn't know that I was being watched'. Pshh, that wouldn't work. I went back to my designated room, collapsing on the dusty quilt. I pulled a pillow over my face, screaming into it. In the midst of my temper tantrum, I burnt out on my emotions and fell asleep, the stars glinting through the circular skylight. 


The next morning, I was the first up. I went into the living room, turning on the TV. Oddly enough, Krystal decided to join me. So much for peace and quiet. She sat down on the love seat adjacent to the couch, her blonde hair knotted in a messy bun.

"I just need to settle something with you," she started to speak, glancing down at the floor. "I see you have a thing for Dante, but he's mine. Understood?" Wow. She was going to play the bitch card. I wouldn't be surprised if she believed in calling 'dibbs'. I looked through the channels, not making eye contact with her. 

"Look, I don't want any trouble. My emotions are mine and strictly mine. I'm not here to fight, so just chill out, and don't get your panties in a twist," I spewed.

"No, you look, bitch. I've seen the way he looks at you-"

The news turned on, showing a female reporter on sight of a mass murder. I ignored Krystal, turning up the volume. 

"Here, in Houston, police officers and the forensics unit have discovered the brutal murders of a dozen people, all of different race, gender, and religion. The victims were scattered across town, some being found in gas stations, or even local schools. The diversity of the victims lead officers to believe that the murders were in fact random, each person showing no correspondence to the next. Due to this tragedy, police have issued a warrant for the arrest of this mass serial killer-" I flipped the channel, only to find the same thing on. This time, a 'suspect' was being interviewed.

"He was very tall, around 6'4" or 6'5", with a lean yet muscular build. I don't remember much of his appearance but his eyes, they were very strange colored, almost inhuman." My blood ran cold. If my heart was still beating, it would have stopped. "He came after me, but I managed to shoot him in the leg with my shotgun, and it was enough time for me to get in my car and get the hell out of there." I noticed that the man speaking had a symbol tattooed across his collar bone, just like Gabriel. A hunter's mark, I reminded myself. Shit. They were describing Dante. Riley walked into the room, followed by Gabriel, who was only wearing boxers, his perfectly muscled body...I snapped myself out of it. Their attention snapped towards the news. Gabriel ran and pulled a shirt on over his head, and Riley ran to get his keys. Krystal called upstairs for Colton and Iris to hurry down. Why would he be killing a dozen innocent people? 


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