Chapter 12: Let's Go for a Ride

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After Dante's little temper tantrum, I was slightly terrified. He would try to come after me-that was clear. Luckily I had the boys to protect me. I stayed with Gabriel and Colton when Riley locked Dante in the basement. I didn't want to become 'prey' again. I said goodnight to them, and Gabriel walked me to a room, one the boys had earlier designated as mine. Finally. I had my own room, away from these hormone-crazed lunatics. Gabriel leaned against the door frame, as if to say something.

"You know, Riley and I managed to get your car flown over from California. Don't ask how, but its here. We hope it may make you feel more at home, you know, having a personal possession with you." he smiled.

"Thank you!" I screeched, hugging him.

While he still had his arms around me he muttered something in my ear.

"Just a warning though, that's a pretty awesome truck you have there. Dante and Riley are obsessed with trucks, hence the Ford Raptor we share. So, don't let them near yours, they might steal it." he says playfully.

I retract from our embrace and punch him on the arm, retreating into my room and shutting the door.

My shopping bags from earlier sat next to my bed, right where Colton had put them. Ugh. Clothes. I'm probably the only girl who doesn't like shopping for clothes. It took my about an hour to fully stock the closet and dresser with the items they bought me. These guys must be loaded. Judging by the size and style of the house, their cars, the stable, and the things they bought me, that statement was most likely correct. Maybe being hundreds of years old has its benefits? I smiled as I pulled out a small sketchpad and horse stuffed animal. They really seemed to care for me, even though they did kidnap me and turn me into a blood-sucking monster. Besides the bags full of clothes, they also had bought me headphones, a computer and a tv with a 1 year subscription of Netflix. I sighed. I guess I'm never going home. My eyes watered a little at the thought, but I brushed it aside for the moment. Well, I guess this isn't too bad of a place to be stuck in. I had the horses, and a 1 year subscription of Netflix. Yeah, I'm pretty set on life. I still need to finish high school though....My question was answered when I uncovered a brochure for online school. They were really keeping me on lock down. I need my freedom- and this life won't allow me to have it. I collapsed on the new duvet, falling asleep in the some monkey pj's.


I went outside at around 6am. I didn't want the guys to worry about me, so I didn't tell them where I was going. I just really needed to drive somewhere and think, and lucky for me, I had my truck to help me with that. Listening for any movement, I walked to my car. All of the boys seemed in a deep slumber, judging by their soft bear-like snores radiating from their rooms. You'd think with super hearing they would hear me, but nope, they were sleeping like little babies. I made my way to my car, a little cautious of my surroundings because it was still quite dark. My car unlocked, its beautiful red paint job barely visible in the dim early light. Ah, I missed my baby. Hopefully the flight didn't scratch him. The interior lights lit up, and I took my place in the driver's seat. While checking my mirrors, I panned over to something glowing. I looked back up at my rear-view mirror, and two blue eyes stared back at me. I almost had a heart attack and shat myself at the same time.

"What the hell?! Do you have any respect for personal space?" I screamed at Dante.

He didn't answer me instead he just stared at me in the mirror, his eye boring a hole into my soul. This isn't good at all. I need to notify the others that the psychopath they locked in the basement has escaped. That, and he was looking creepy as hell. I unlocked my phone and began to send out a group text, but Dante's hand shot out and took my phone from me, crumbling it to pieces with his bare hands. God, he was such an ass. Luckily I have a plan B. I kept my eyes trained on him as I slowly moved towards the glove compartment on the passenger side. He didn't move, continuing to have a staring contest with me. I clicked it open, taking out a small shotgun. I may be a vampire, but I don't trust my skills quite yet. Thank god my dad taught me how to shoot. I brought the gun closer to me, and his eyes started to glow black. I unlocked my door, locking all others except mine. I had one foot out of the door when he started growling, almost like a feral animal. He really is off his rocker, this one. I cocked the gun, keeping it trained on him as I slammed my door shut. The sound of it must have startled him, because then he tried to exit the car. Being the smart woman I am, I locked the door with him inside it. But, also being the stupid woman I was, I forgot that modern technology allowed for cars to be unlocked from inside. Dante clicked the doors unlocked. Well, he isn't as stupid as I thought. I made a break for it, running as close as I could to the front door, screaming my head off. He appeared in front of me, and I levelled my shotgun.

"Look, you need to calm the hell down," I attempted to calm him.

He didn't answer.

"Are you deaf or something?" He had to be deaf.

Well, if he was going to act like a predator, I'm going to treat him like one. I went to pull the trigger on him, except I did the opposite of what I wanted to do. The gun fell from my hands and I walked calmly back to the car, Dante's footsteps mirroring my own. What the hell? I didn't do that...that's not what I was going to do. Wait....

I tried to fight the unseen power, but instead was rewarded with a killer headache. He was doing this. He was doing controlling me.

I really did not like this. The fact that he could make me do anything, made me nauseous. I got behind the wheel, and he got in on the passenger's side. He grabbed my face, and this time I could move. I tried to jerk my head away, but instead he tightened his grasp. He pulled my face so it was inched from his, my hazel eyes staring directly into his piercing blue ones. My eyes widened in fear, and he cupped my mouth. A certain expression glinted through his irises, one that I couldn't really pick up on. Anger? Frustration? Pain? Guilt? It was too difficult to read. His pupils dilated and contracted as he spoke.

"Drive to Houston. Don't look back, don't try to escape, and try to be nice, alright princess?" he added the last command with a sort of mockery that I hated. I wasn't a princess, and I sure as hell wasn't his. He let go of my face, and I followed his commands, backing out of the driveway. I didn't talk to him, but instead watched the road straight ahead. He reclined his seat, letting me do all of the work. If it wasn't for this stupid block he put in my brain I would personally drive us off a bridge. Plus, why did he need me to drive to Houston? I knew we were in Texas, but Houston was a good 2 days drive away. My thoughts stayed the same, but I couldn't act on them. My actions seemed to be controlled all by him. This was going to be one hell of a ride.


~Oooooo Plot twist? Hm.....

~Sorry for the long wait, these last two chapters were kind of 'filler chapters' and sort of necessary for the plot, thanks for staying with me haha





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