Chapter 26: Game Changer

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Dante and I arrived at the campsite about an hour after our visit to the campsite. We tied our horses next to the other horses, making sure they got along. Captain didn't seem too pleased at the new horses, but he put up with them. Dante and I wiped our mouths from the blood and went to join the others. Judging by the looks all of them gave us, we had missed a few spots. I looked down to see my shirt splattered with fresh blood and my hands dipped in scarlet. Dammit. Riley stood up, grabbing Dante by his shirt collar and pulling him into his face.

"What the hell did you do?" he spat at him.

While Dante was getting a lecture, I was approached by Gabriel, who had left Aurora, who was sleeping on the dirt, next to Colton. He too grabbed me, obviously angered by my appearance. Iris and Colton looked on as Dante and I were scolded.

"I thought you said you were just going to feed, not create a massacre," he bellowed, looking me up and down. He shook me, my long waves bouncing against my back.

"I...there was hunters....and...I..just.." I stuttered. I really didn't want to talk about how vicious I was back there.

"Vicious?" he tightened his grasp on me. He had read my thoughts, again. I sighed.

"What happened to the good girl I knew?" His anger turned to a dirty smirk.

Annoyed, I pushed him off me and went to go sit next to Iris. Riley continued to bicker with Dante, who had a cocky smirk painted across his lips. I rolled my eyes. I elbowed Iris to get her attention, but instead she glanced at me, her usual warm, happy vibe gone. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up, as if a thousand volts had surged through my body. Iris turned to face me, her auburn hair tucked behind her ear, her dark blue eyes staring into my soul. What disturbed me the most was the sick, twisted grin she had on her face. This wasn't Iris. I didn't think. I reacted. I jumped on top of Krystal, pinning her to the ground as my sharp canines descended from my gums. A dark gold film covered my eyes. I would kill this bitch if it was the last thing I did. I was about to rip her throat out when somebody lifted me from her, their arms wrapped tightly around my waist as they hauled me backwards. I fought their grasp, lashing out and kicking. A low growl escaped my lips, and Dante wrapped his arms tighter.

"It's not who you think it is!" I screamed. Around Iris' body were Colton and Gabriel, trying to soother her. I narrowed my eyes in hate. Well played, Krystal. It's not over. You may have them fooled, but you don't have me fooled. I will kill you. I turned in Dante's grasp to face him, giving him the most terrifying look I could manage. He seemed startled for a minute, but soon regained his composure. As I was fidgeting, I noticed Dante's arm inches from my face. Smart boy, foolish mistake. I sunk my teeth into his arm long enough for him to let go of me. My feet hit the dirt as I picked up speed, running straight towards "Iris'" look of terror. I was almost there when Gabriel broad-sided me. He pinned my arms above my head, an amused look spread across his features. I took in his muscled arms and broad chest hovering inches above mine, his soft black hair....his lethal golden eyes.

"I'm flattered. And, as much as I would LOVE to see a chick fight right now, I can't have you attacking Iris," he said, laughing in my face. You've got to be kidding me. Did he not see the death stare Krystal had given me? That clearly wasn't Iris.

"Maybe you have gone to the dark side, Zoe," his eyes softened, and I could tell he was genuinely concerned.

"Look," I spat at him. "That's not Iris. Krystal has somehow taken over her body, I don't know how but she's going to kill all of us-" Gabriel shut me up by hovering his face over mine, his lips way too close for comfort. I'm going to make an excuse for him and say it was because he was using his hands to pin me down. I could almost feel the rage boiling in Dante. A confused expression plastered my face for a minute before he pulled away, hauling me to my feet but still keeping a hold on me. He walked me over to Dante, pushing me into his arms.

"She's all your's," he winked at Dante, walking over to comfort Aurora, who had awoken from all the commotion. Colton and Riley were at Iris' side. I felt my face flush from the amount of rage boiling within me. Dante spun me to face him, his soul-penetrating blue eyes staring directly into my hazel ones.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Yes, but I need to-" he dragged me around the rock.

"How good of an actress are you?" he questioned.

"Uh, well...." I began.

"That's good enough. I need you to create a diversion while I go to see if Iris isn't really Iris, ok? I need you to occupy them for a little so that I can take Iris away for a few minutes," he finished.

"But if she is Krystal, she's just going to try and kill you," I didn't want to sound dramatic, but I was worried.

"You know what to do...if I'm ever captured. End it," he looked down at me.

I could already feel the tears. He put his arm around my waist, pulling me into his muscualr chest. I could feel the breath of his face on mine, the sorrow...the guit...all in his eyes. The pain he had never showed before. He was in pain. A lone tear slipped down my cheek as he took my chin in his hand, kissing me. Kissing it was his goodbye. No. I'm not letting him walk into the mouth of danger. When I looked up he was already gone. When I walked back to the group, Iris was gone. Gabriel was talking to Aurora and Colton and Riley were busy trying to map out the next place we should move to. I decided that talking to Aurora was better than going over attack strategies. I sat down cross-legged next to Gabriel. Aurora shied away from my presence, and Gabriel shot me a look. I sunk down into my knees. I needed this all to end. Thank god Gabriel did the talking.

"This is Zoella, or Zoe," he said, pointing to me. "She's quite a handful, but us guys love her," he said, smiling at me. I couldn't help but crack a small smile. I leaned my head against his shoulder to show I appreciated him. Colton scooted over to the right side of me, leaning all of his weight on me. What a goof ball. I smiled, pushing him off me.

"What's her story?" Aurora said, looking me up and down-looking at competition..I noticed. I lifted my head from Gabriel's shoulder. He shifted his eyes to mine, as if asking me if I could tell it.

"She's going through alot. She deserves to hear my story," I told him.


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