Chapter 7: An Angel has Gained his Wings

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I thrashed in his grasp, but to no avail. The large arms tightened their hold on me, and footsteps echoed in the distance. A wonderful musky scent filled my nose, it must have been one of the boy's cologne. They carried my through the threshold and I was placed on the couch. I looked up and found Gabriel's whiskey-colored eyes staring back at me. He was obviously pissed, but I also took note of how gently he had placed me on the couch. Colton resumed his spot next to me, and the front door clicked shut. Dante sat down across from me again, followed by Riley. 

"Are you sane enough right now for me to continue talking?" he inquired.

Was he f'ing kidding me? He just told me that my parents were killers who brain-washed me, and who were going to raise me to kill. So no, I was damn sure I wasn't alright.

Obviously impatient, Dante responded to his own question,"Good."

He shifted into a more comfortable position, laying back into his chair. I appreciated the way his shirt clung to his muscle underneath. I peeked up and checked Gabriel, to make sure he hadn't heard that. Judging by the smirk he had on his face, he had heard my thought. If I have to stay with these lunatics, I'm going to have to find a way to stop Gabriel from listening into my every thought.

"That night, on the football field-do you remember now? We turned you. Into one of us."

The boys all looked so relaxed, they had to be deaf. They acted like they didn't even hear Dante's words. Gabriel was sprawled out on the window seat, his legs hanging over the side, his muscular arms behind his neck bulging out of his flannel. Riley seemed to be thinking about something else, his sculpted jaw set in a line. His eyes wandered elsewhere. Beside me, Colton leaned back into the couch, his hands also placed behind his head, his dark hair swept to the side. I noticed how this time, he sat further away from me, as if not to startle me again.

I looked back to Dante.

"Into what?" I asked, a genuine stupidness in my voice.

"For such a smart girl, you really are stupid." Dante exclaimed.

"So I'm just supposed to know why I have been kidnapped by four boys, why my parents have been lying to me for 17 years, and why supernatural beings exist?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He appeared to be mentally rolling his eyes.

"In words easier for you to understand, you're not human anymore." he smirked.

What does he think I am? He acts like he is  proud of his "work". He called me stupid and then turned me into a vampire. I'm going to kill this son of a-

I couldn't process his words right now. I need to be alone. With a quick glance of the clock, I realized it was half past 3 in the morning. I got up, ready to walk to bed. They all jumped up, clearly afraid I was going to run again. I didn't even look at them, instead I walked past the kitchen into a random bedroom. Dante ran past me, sealing off my entrance into what was clearly his room.

"Move." I said sternly.

He didn't budge. I took him by the collar of his shirt, bringing his face inches from mine.

"Get out of my damn way, or I will chop your balls off."

I pushed him away easily, probably because he decided to move by himself. I shut the door behind me and locked it. From outside the door I heard him slump down and lean against the wall. He could wait all night for me to come out, for all I cared. I laid down on his bed, which smelled of pine and dew. I exhaled, drifting into sleep. My long waves hung off the side of the bed as I found a comfortable position before closing my eyes. Maybe sleep would help me forget about all of this chaos.


When my eyes fluttered open, the clock read 6am. Ugh, I hoped I could at least sleep more than a couple of hours. Soft snoring came from outside the door. I thought the little twat would leave. Well, I give it to him ,he has determination. A sharp pain seared through my stomach as I rolled over, causing me to clutch it. The pain only grew worse, and I stood up, hoping it would pass. Hunger pains. I don't ever remember being this hungry. I pressed me ear against the oak door. Would he hear me if I snuck into the kitchen? I don't know if I can even make it that far.... Just then a crashing sound came from the living room. Someone was up. C'mon, I just wanted a cracker or two... Another wave of pain washed over me, and I collapsed onto the floor, groaning. Hopefully Dante couldn't hear me.. Everything went hazy, like a film was over my eyes. I remember feeling like I was no longer present in my own body, as my phantom legs carried me up and out a window next to the bed.


I ran further into the woods, this strange anguish of pain dictating my every move. I tried to overpower it, but to no avail. Trees sailed past me in different directions, as I hurdled over rocks. A snapping branch caught my attention, my ears listening in on the animal. Small, dim rays of morning sunlight filtered in between the branches. How long have I been out here? The pain in my stomach reminded me. From behind a tree, a man emerged, carrying an automatic crossbow and a Winchester rifle. He must have been a big-game hunter, judging by his choice of weaponry. A scent so wonderful came over me, filling my nostrils. The aroma was sweet, like pure flower nectar. Like a moth to a flame, I followed the man's every move until he reached a small river. I pounced from behind, taking him down into the freezing water. My fangs dug into his neck as I drank the hot, sweet nectar that coursed through his veins. Stop Zoella. You're killing him! I paid no attention to my sub-conscious. I didn't even worry about the man. His large body slumped over on me; I had obviously sucked him dry. I raised my head from him, moving my matted waves from my face. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, a thick scarlet substance remained. I came to my senses, my vision returning to normal and my pain disappearing. The blood on my hands dripped from my fingertips, pooling into a puddle beneath them. It stung like a slap to a face. Had I really just killed a man? No, I'm dreaming, I could never be so horrible to somebody....this is not me. I am not me. I stared at my scarlet covered hands, shaking. Except I wasn't shaking from the cold, but instead from the gruesome sight before me. Branches cracked before me, and I looked up, my eyes wide with horror. Before me stood four horses, carrying four enraged men.


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