Chapter 22: New Recruit

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The poor thing was curled up in a puddle of her own blood, shaking. I could feel my hunger growing. The boys had already left because they couldn't handle their own thirst. Iris and I were the only ones standing over her. I was really having difficulty controlling my hunger.

"Iris, do you mind...taking her upstairs and cleaning her up?" I asked politely. She nodded her head, wrapping the girl's arm around her shoulder and half dragging half carrying her upstairs. I walked down the hallway looking for Gabriel's room. Once I found it I went to open the door, only to be stopped by Dante grabbing my wrist.

"Don't do anything you'll regret. He's already screwed up enough...he doesn't need to be pushed to the limit by a girl like you." I saw sadness glimmer through his eyes, disappearing in a second. "I'm coming in. I don't want anything to happen-" I removed his hand from my wrist.

"I appreciate the gesture, but I'm fine," I smiled weakly at him before walking into the room and shutting the door behind me. Gabriel was on his knees in the corner of the room, his head hung low and his dark hair drenched with sweat. His maroon shirt was soaked in blood and clung to him, and he appeared to be fighting his own thoughts. As mad as I was with him, I can't act to irrationally-yet. I walked over and sat on the floor next to him. I touched his hand, and he jumped back, his eyes completely black. I shot up from my sitting position. Only Dante and I have partially black eyes. 


He put his face in his hands, leaning back against the wall. I couldn't tell if he was angry or depressed.  Suddenly he grabbed the lamp next to him, throwing it against the wall. It shattered into a million pieces, raining down on the floor. The door to the room flung open and Dante stood in the doorway. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the hallway, slamming the door shut. 

"But-" I began.

"He needs time alone. It's difficult controlling your emotions...after killing or changing an innocent. I should know." His blue eyes dimmed with sadness. Aww, Mr. Bad boy has a soft side. I glanced down at the floor. Was that why Gabriel's eyes had changed colors? Because he had taken the life of an innocent? Being punished by the gods above...branded forever and marked as a killer... I pushed the horrible thought aside. I was pretty sure I looked like shit. My jeans and cowboy boots were cloaked in dirt, and my shirt had mud all over it. My long hair was pulled up into a messy bun. I put my hands on his broad shoulders.

"I need to get cleaned up..and check on the new girl. I will be down in a little," I told him. He bent down and kissed my forehead before walking away. The skin where he touched me tingled. I still didn't know what I thought of him- pushing me around and claiming me as his.


After my shower I put on some plaid pajama pants and a black t-shirt. I dried my hair, putting it up in a ponytail and letting my golden locks fall down my back. I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed next to the girl. Iris sat in a rocking chair across from me, asleep. Iris had dressed the girl in a clean shirt and sweatpants. Her hair had a color similar to Iris', almost the color of an acorn but with more red. Freckles dotted her pale skin all throughout her slim body. I couldn't tell from her laying down, but if I had to guess she probably was about 5 inches shorter than me. I got up from the bed, making sure there were some bottles of blood in the corner for when she woke up.  Unlike myself, this girl won't go without food for long. I locked the door before making my way downstairs.

Dante was sprawled across the couch, his long legs hanging over the edge. He clearly was watching the stairwell to make sure the new girl didn't try to escape or attack someone. I laid down in the love seat across from the couch in front of the tv, keeping my distance from him. I had to admit, he was beautiful while he slept. His tousled curls fell perfectly in his face, his long dark lashes covering his eyes. His muscular body stretched out- He stirred in his sleep, turning over to face me. I cleared the thoughts from my head, returning my attention to the tv. I turned it on, flipping through the channels for a few minutes. A few wolves howled in the distance. The stars twinkled outside the window, shining bright. I turned to fix my pillow, finding Dante's eyes plastered to me. He had his head propped up by his hand and he was staring at me like I was some tourist attraction. I jumped a little, startled by his bright blue eyes.

"How long have you been doing that?" 

"Doing what?" He responded, snapping out of his trance.

"Staring at me?" My response came out more like a question than I intended.

"Ever since we were little, princess," he smirked.

I tried to stop myself from smiling, but I did anyways. I cursed myself internally for showing my emotions. I always was bad at hiding them. But dang, he was so smooth. He patted the couch, beckoning me to come sit with him. No. He may be sweet sometimes, but he's a soulless killer. Wow...I am being so bipolar today... I ignored him and returned my attention to the news. 

"Do I have to come and get you?"

He got up from the couch, walking towards me. I noticed that his flannel pajama bottoms matched mine. His pants hung so low around his waist that I could see his V-line and a portion of his abs. I quickly diverted my staring back to the tv. Don't let his good looks distract you, Zoella. Or his adorableness right now. He scooped me up (I don't know how- I weigh as much as a horse) and placed me on the couch where he joined me. I pretended not to notice, watching the news. My back was pressed into his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me, nestling his face in my neck. For some reason at this moment I didn't feel threatened. He sighed, and by the soft snores that followed, he had fallen asleep- with me in his arms. The news droned on..nothing too unusual. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I too slowly drifted off. 

"The suspects of the murders seem to be part of a cult, the bodies of the victims moving closer to the Houston countryside each day-" the news droned on. Finally I relaxed in Dante's grasp, no longer worried that he was going to hurt me. If anything, I felt like he was protecting me. I was too tired to think of anything, and soon enough my eyes fluttered shut. 

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