Chapter 8: Cyclone

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My hazel eyes filled with tears, a stray one falling down my cheek. I lost control over all my emotions, and erupted into a bi-polar freak. I cried so violently I began to shake, my body rocking with the force of my sobs. Colton was the first one to come over, taking me by the waist and dragging me from the horrible atrocity I had created. He sat down on the forest floor, placing my head in his lap as he stroked my long hair in between sobs. Riley walked over to control the horses in front of us, who were going insane due to the smell of the blood, no doubt. Meanwhile, Dante and Gabriel approached the grim corpse at their feet. I buried my face into Colton's jacket, hoping to drown out the chaos around me. I didn't hear Dante and Gabriel drag the body, but it was obvious they had moved it, maybe even hidden it. Colton got up, helping me get on the Belgian Draft I had seen earlier. I noticed the lack of a saddle; they must have had no time to tack. Colton got on, saying something inaudible to Riley, who nodded in response. He spurred the giant horse, and off we galloped back to the cabin.


I was in such a state of shock my legs failed me, and I collapsed at the threshold to the cabin. Colton caught me, bringing me close to his chest as he drug me inside and into the bathroom. I held his arm tightly, afraid he would leave me. Luckily, he gave me a reassuring glance before running the hot tap and drawing water for a bath. Once the elegant tub was full, he told me to clean myself up and meet him in the living room.


The warm water calmed me a little, its warmth numbing my emotional and mental trauma briefly. I closed my eyes, letting the water comfort me. After I had regained some of my sanity, I got out, wrapping my hair in a towel and putting on a baggy sweatshirt and shorts that Colton had given me. It smelled musky, just like him- which comforted me a little. I walked out and sat next to him on the couch, where he took me into his arms.

"It's going to be alright, I promise," he spoke softly.

I managed to mumble a few words. "It will never be ok. I killed an innocent man, and now I'm a monster. All because of-" He pulled me closer, aware of what I would have said next. This was no time to argue, so i let him comfort me instead.

The front door clicked shut, and I heard different sets of footprints, which I assumed to be Dante, Riley, and Gabriel. My face was buried to far into Colton's jacket for me to see where they sat, or how pissed they were. Colton resumed stroking my now wet hair. I heard something glass shatter. Then another, closer to me. The arms holding me tightened.

"Its not her fault," Colton's body vibrated with his words. His tone was defensive and angry.

I killed a man. A man that could have had a family, with kids. Maybe he had a successful job, and worked all of his life for a college degree. Maybe he was out hunting for dinner to feed him family. Instead of feeding his own family, he became my dinner. He probably had a beautiful wife, one that he loved dearly and would take a bullet for. Now his kids will grow up without a father--without someone to see them graduate and get married. I took all of this from an innocent soul. I did this. I deserved everything that I had coming to me.

I buried my face into Colton's sweatshirt. I didn't want to see whatever was happening. Colton started protesting against something, and wrapped his arms around me again pulling me closer. This time, he was yanked from me, while someone else held me down. My face freed from the warm confines of his sweatshirt, I thrashed in Gabriel's grasp. Riley was holding Colton over the fireplace, while Dante repeatedly bashed his face with his fists. Colton lifted his bloody face up to me, his hopeless expression breaking my heart. I tried throwing my own fists at Gabriel, but he wasn't going to move.

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