Chapter 14: A New Breed

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~Author's note: Hey guys, this chapter will be a little longer than normal, so enjoy!~


"Let her go, brother," Dante snarled.

His brother smelled like roadkill. Ech.

"Oh, that's not going to happen. Well, I give it to you, brother, you picked a good one." he smirked at me. "She's going to suffer, for what you did," he laughed.

Dante started to walk towards, us but two men appeared at his side, strange spear-like weapons in their hands. He turned, assessing his situation. Looking back at me, my blood ran cold.

"Close your eyes," he said to me.

I closed my eyes, pushing into his brother, whose grip on my didn't falter. Judging by the terrible screams and shouts coming from in front of me, and his brothers shaky hands, Dante had ripped the two men to shreds. I peeked long enough to see a female figure walk up behind him.

Was that my mom?

He turned to confront her, but not before she snapped his neck. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. I remember screaming his name, tears falling from my cheeks as his brother recovered from what he saw, dragging me into the Mercedes.


They threw me in a steel cell, with nothing in it but a small cot. I could hear yelling from downstairs every couple of minutes, followed by sickening laughter and cries of pain. I sat cross legged, too distraught to try to escape. They couldn't have killed him, aren't vampires hard to kill? I really wish I could get ahold of the guys. I looked between the bars, scanning the room for anything useful. There seemed to be a walkie-talkie station, and a phone. Either this is a trap, or I'm really lucky. I tried bending the bars, but to no avail. They burned my skin, as if they were flames from a fire. I winced, backing up. I heard a guttural growling from downstairs, followed by a women's voice yelling. My stomach churned. God damn torture chambers. Seriously, were we in an 80's movie or something? I wouldn't be surprised if I was in Dracula's castle right now. I tried kicking the bars, but nothing happened. I heard footsteps from outside, and a lady in a short cocktail dress with red pumps walked in. Tears stung my eyes.


She walked over to me, kneeling in front of my metal prison.

"I'm not your mother, and you're not my daughter. Not anymore," she replied harshly.

"No, mom please just let me go, I didn't know-why didn't you tell me-"

"Shhh. Now's not the time for that. Your father wants to come talk to you," she said, walking out of the room.

That man wasn't my dad anymore. He was a killer...a sick bastard.

My dad strode in, cloaked in a pristine white lab coat, and accompanied by two men, and one woman. He kneeled down by me, and I felt myself shaking.

"You know, you gave me quite a shock back there when you bit me," he chuckled. "But, since you're already a monster, I came up with a brilliant idea." he motioned for one of the men to unlock the cell, and he pointed an oddly shaped gun at me, keeping it trained on my chest. I looked up at him, tears in my eyes, one spilling down my cheek.

"When Dante turned you I thought I would have to kill you. So sad my own daughter went to the dark side. But, luckily I decided to spare you, giving you another life, and another job," he smiled, clearly proud of his work. If I had enough courage, I would try to kill him. But you could you really go through with it? He raised you. But, he's also a killer, I reminded myself.

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