Chapter 15: Ecstasy

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To my genuine disappointment, I wasn't dead. I had one wish, and it wasn't granted. C'mon Santa, do your job! I opened my eyes, taking in my new surroundings. I was laying in a dark cell, so dark even my own hands were difficult to see. I smelled a sweet aroma from outside, but from what I could tell no one else was in my cell. Then, like a riptide, I was sucked back into reality. Oh shit, I need to get Dante and contact the boys... I touched my own neck, trying not to whimper as I brought my hand away, revealing darkened drops of blood. How long have I been here? I rubbed the droplets between my fingers. Not very long, the blood isn't dry. My long waves were matted with blood, and my vision was still slightly impaired by the blood seeping into my eyeball. Some footsteps came up to my cell, and I was blinded by a bright white light. Oh, maybe I should go to the light and I can finally die. I walked closer to the bars, hoping for the best. Instead, someone tapped me on the nose. The person turned the lights on in the room, and I saw that Hunter was here with me. That bastard. I was going to rip his throat out the second-

"That's not nice, sweetie, I bet you didn't mean that," he cooed. Great, he can read my thoughts like Gabriel.

I growled at him. Hey Hunter, let's play a game. It's called stick your hand between the bars and see what happens. 

"Oh, feisty are we," he smirked.

I pressed my face against the bars, snarling. If this is what animals feel like at zoos, I feel so sorry for them. 

"You're not exactly an animal, honey. Well, sort of," he said, unlocking my door.

I sensed four guards in the room. I thought of a wall in my head, hopefully blocking my thoughts long enough for me to at least rough him up a little bit, before his little friends come and electrocute me. That is how you block thoughts, right? He swung the door open, and I pounced on him, not once glancing at the guards fast approaching. I bit down on his arm, as he tried pushing me off of him. Blood welled around my fangs. God, I was so hungry. The guard next to him shocked me, the electricity radiating up and down my spine before I collapsed at his feet. God damn these sticks were powerful. And to think Dante wasn't as affected as I was when he was, he must have the skin of an elephant or something. I felt like I was going to wither up and die. My sides heaved as I tried to regain my breath.

"These sticks are fun, aren't they? They're like grown-up fly swatters," Hunter said, clearly trying to mask his pain with meaningless conversation. A guard came and grabbed me, and I turned to rip his throat out, but was stopped by another guard who electrocuted me again. I fell to the ground as they hand-cuffed me. They forced me to my feet, leading me into another, much larger room, its white walls gleaming. It lacked furniture, except for a single folding chair. Also in the room was a knife, which appeared to be real silver. They sat me in the chair, the guards departing and leaving me alone. My stomach grumbled again, this time with more intensity. Before they torture me further, can't we make a stop at Chipoltle or something? I would kill for some Mexican. Thinking about other things helped me forget about my current situation. There was a mirror to the left of me, spanning the length of the wall. A one way mirror? For observation. Panic struck me again. Jesus Christ make it all stop! I had already been through enough today! Has it even been a day? I haven't seen outside, or talked to the boys..or..Dante. My breath caught. They better not have killed him. There was a crackling, and an intercom overhead sprung to life. 

"Ok, subject is ready. Send in the triple X's," it rang.

Wait, what? Subject? I recalled the horrible things Riley said they did to the vampires. no no...

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