Chapter 10: Blood Doesn't Mean Family

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This man wasn't my dad. He looked too...different. I looked through my bag, pulling out my phone. I sent a quick group text to Riley, Dante, and Colton.

Need help. Yucatan Rd, off main highway by mall. Trying to hurt us.

I pressed send just as the two men with weapons tried to rip Gabriel from the driver's seat. Although he was bigger than them, he was up against two men with who-knows what kind of supernatural weaponry. I reached over, grabbing his arm and trying to reel him back into the cab. He looked into my eyes, his angry amber ones piercing my soul. He didn't like being overpowered. He didn't want anything to happen to me. I screamed as they tore him away from me, and I watched as he thrashed in their grasp, his eyes turning a sickening dark gold. He broke free of their holds, choosing to attack the one with the shotgun first. He turned into the monster he really was, his fangs digging into the man's shoulder. He released his hold of the man, his body slumping to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Gabriel looked up at me, clearly reading the agony on my face. Blood dripped from face, only adding to my fear of him. Guess I was wrong for calling him a teddy bear.

"Get. In. The. Car. Drive away from here," he managed to say through breaths.

I obeyed his command, switching into the driver seat and putting the car in reverse. Shit, I had only had my license for 3 months. I pushed the thought away, reving the engine in reverse, all 8 cylinders launching the car backwards. I went to put it in drive, so I could turn around, but not before my dad jumped on the hood. He jumped in through the sun-roof, grabbing me and dragging me out of the car. I was surprised by his aggressiveness, and immediately I fought back, kicking and screaming. Gabriel looked up from his second victim, dropping the man that was carrying a crossbow and running across the street towards me. I heard a click next to my head. You've got to be kidding me. I looked to my right to see that my dad was holding a Colt revolver to my head. My heart sunk in my chest. He didn't care about me. He would shoot me. Gabriel stopped.

"Give me the book, Gabriel." he demanded.

Gabriel but his hands up, slowly making his way towards us. Blood continued to drip down his mouth onto his tight-fitting maroon shirt.

"I will tell you everything you need to know. Don't pull the trigger." he reasoned.

My dad chuckled. "You would risk your kind's power source for a worthless, stupid human."

Had I seriously forgot what the boys did to me? Why they turned me? 'To be used against my father and his horrible ways'; Dante's voice rung in my head. I was a monster for a reason. I'm not a stupid human, dad. I'm a stupid vampire now.

Gabriel's eyes lit up with fear.He must have been reading my thoughts again-great. He started to speak, but I already felt it coming. My eyes were covered with a blue film, and my fangs descended from my gums. Whose a stupid human now? I latched onto my father's arm, feeling his blood trickle down onto my shirt. Gabriel came over, pulling me from him. My father dropped to the asphalt groaning. Gabriel shoved me back into the truck, reversing and hauling ass towards home. He jaw was set in a tight line, and he didn't speak or look at me.

"Why did you pull me from him?!" I screamed. "He was going to kill you-"

"No, he was trying to get information. Our base location, to be specific. And he got it, too. When you bit him- you,"

"I what?!" I was starting to get impatient. Anxiety welled in my chest.

"He wanted venom in his system. He didn't know you were turned, but he was hoping I would attack him. With my venom in his veins, his little lab rats back home could derive the source from which it came from and essentially track us and the book down. I knew better than to fall for his stupid tricks, because I smelled another hunter nearby, and wasn't going to take that risk. Even if I did attack him, he knew I wouldn't be able to kill him because his hunter buddies nearby would pounce on me in a heartbeat. What he wasn't expecting was for his own 'human' daughter to give him just what he wanted."

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