Chapter 23: Nothing is Stronger than Love except Heartbreak

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My blissful sleep was interrupted by soft sounds coming from upstairs. Opening my eyes, I found Dante stirring in his sleep. The small noises erupted into a cacophony of shouts as different sets of footsteps trudged down the spiral staircase. Dante's eyes fluttered open, and he gripped my body.

"What's going on?"

"I have no idea. I just woke up," I responded. I sat up straight on the couch, smoothing my still damp hair down. Dante sat up next to me, listening for any signs of danger. Iris came stomping down the stairs.

"Look- you need to talk to the fledgling, she's being annoying and she won't shut she's giving me a headache- can't you just-" her eyes wandered over Dante and I on the couch. She retreated a little up the stairs, gripping the banister.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt-" I waved my hand at her.

"It's nothing," I replied. Dante raised an eyebrow. I glared at him and he lowered his head. "Anyways, as I was saying, I will be up in a second. Do you want me to get you some pills for your headache or something..?"

"Thanks but I just need to get away from her. I'm going to go back to sleep," she huffed, walking down the hall into a room and shutting a door. I glanced at the clock on the tv. 3:17 am? How long have I been laying here? I seemed to have lost track of the time. A random thought hit me. Where is Krystal? Hopefully Gabriel took all his anger out on that little-

Dante put his hand on my hand, unclenching the fist I had just made. I sighed. I need a stress ball or something. Speaking of stress, I still have calculus homework to turn in online! Ugh. I got up from the couch and started to walk upstairs, wiping sleep from my eyes. My pajamas smelled of pine and musk- Dante. Great. I pulled my long hair from its ponytail, letting it fall down my back as I walked down the upstairs hall. Dante's footsteps were close behind mine. I opened the door to the new girl's room, only to be pounced on. I threw her off of me with ease, her back slamming against some neatly framed pictures on the wall. Dante leaned against the door-frame, knowing I had everything under control.

"Can you just sit down so we can talk? I'm really not in the mood-" I began. She got up from where I had thrown her and hissed at me.

"What are you, a fricking cat? Sit your ass down for one minute, ok? I'm not going to hurt you I just want to talk." I was really losing the little patience I had at this time in the morning. She looked over at Dante, her blue-green eyes glowing with lust. I mean, I couldn't blame her- the guy was practically a sex god. He looked like something straight out of Magic Mike. His black curls were tousled from sleep, and his blue eyes burned bright. His plaid pajama bottoms still hung low on his hips, exposing his flawless greek god body- Dante noticed us both staring at him and gave me the most amusing look of despair. I turned back to the girl who still had her eyes trained on him.

"Don't be getting any ideas," I smirked, purposefully changing my eye color to black to unnerve her. She relaxed a little, slumping down against the wall.

"So, what's your name? I'm Zoella," I turned, pointing to the greek god," and he's Dante."

"Au-" She stuttered.

"Maybe this is just my inner nerd talking, but your name can't be "Au"- that's gold on the periodic table," I seemed to be the only one laughing at my joke.

"Aurora," she finally spat out.

"Nice to meet you, Aurora. Sorry we got off on a bad start. I'm also terribly sorry you're in this situation because of my bi-polar freak of a friend. How about we just talk for a little?" I softened my voice, using gentle hand gestures.

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