Chapter 18: Revenge

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Note: I'm currently writing on my phone so I will have to edit this along with other chapters, later. Enjoy ;)

Riley pushed the gas pedal to the floor, while Gabriel comforted me. I was still clad in my pajamas, and Colton was still in his. Iris and Krystal took their own car, searching the city roads while we searched the rural parts of the city. Colton and Gabriel seemed to be really shaken by the news. They haven't spoken a word since we got in the car, leaving silence that could kill. The tension was so thick in the air, you could cut it with a knife. The sky overhead was gloomy, making it appear it was dusk, when in reality it was near eight in the morning. The dark storm clouds circled the dirt road we followed, like vultures circling their prey. I leaned my head against the window, wishing all this would stop. A couple raindrops plastered against the glass, misting it's surface. I was making myself sick with worry. I wish I didn't care. I wish I didn't feel this way, but I did. Riley turned the truck into a small gas station on the side of the road, kicking up clouds of dirt as he did.

"Everyone, get out. Let's go see if the gas station attendant knows anything," he said, grabbing a small pistol and concealing it in his waistband.

This felt like an investigation out of Scooby Doo. Scooby Doo with guns. That was a weird twist..

The boys got out, but I wouldn't move. Gabriel gave me an odd look, while Riley and Colton continued to walk to the mini mart.

"What is it?"

I glanced down at my feet.

"I don't want to find out what happened here. I need to just chill out for a minute, ok?" I was too tired to deal with this right now. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm not leaving you, what if he or your dad comes and takes you away? I can't just leave you here to die-"

"You're not leaving me here to die. I just need some space. Can you please respect that?" I interrupted.

He sighed, leaning his dark haired head against the side of the truck, his amber eyes giving me the cutest look.

I returned the puppy eyes to him, even pouting my lips a little. He sighed, defeated, and opened the drivers door. He took out a shotgun loaded with what appeared to be silver bullets, and placed it on my lap.

"If you even think you are in danger, shoot the gun off so we know where you are. If anything comes at you, shoot no questions asked," he ordered.

"I'm fine. Go talk to the clerk before Riley gets pissed."


Two hours went by and the boys still weren't back. They must have found a ton if evidence to discuss. Keeping my eyes trained on the gas station, I peered at the road behind me. Nothing. Nothing for miles, besides dirt, cacti, and tumbleweeds. Well, I need to do something to help then find Dante. I hopped out of the car, the shotgun still in hand as I walked around the truck and towards the building. The skies had darkened significantly, and rain started to cascade from the heavens. I put my hands over me head, hoping to prevent myself from getting wet. I made my way around the building to the disgusting bathrooms. Jesus, what was that smell? I held my nose with one hand, using the butt of the gun to open the men's bathroom door. My eyes went big. Shit. A full grown man lay on the bathroom floor, flies swarming to his dismembered body. Intestines stuck to the wall, and brain matter was sprayed over the already filthy mirror. I yelped, backing out of the room into something. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was- the eerie feeling came over me. I cocked the shotgun, aiming it towards the sky, ready to fire as a sign of help. Strong arms grabbed me, pulling me back outside into the pouring rain. His hand went over my mouth. The other one securing my waist. I thrashed like a fish out of water, but his grip was like iron. I felt his warm breath blow against my neck with each breath, his low growls in my ear. There was no way in hell I was going to go through this again. I kicked back with my feet, digging my nails into his arms. He retracted his bloody arm, and I turned, meeting his devilish black and yellow eyes. He backed me into a corner, corralling me. I need to calm him down. He needs to know it's just me, not some victim.

The Window to the SoulNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ