Chapter 16

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"I want to do something," Brad groaned sitting down in a chair across from me and James who were on a sofa watching some show on TV.

"Me too," Connor sighed looking up from where he was reading something off his phone.

"I'm sure you two already have plans to do something then?" Brad asked looking at me and James.

"No we don't actually," James replied looking at the others.

"Really? No cute dates planned James, that's not like you," Brad rolled his eyes.

"Ha ha hilarious," James rolled his eyes.

"I don't appreciate that sarcasm," Connor shook his head disapproving.

"Aren't we straying from the point?" Brad asked frowning. "I want to do something but you're all being boring."

"Then let's just do something," I sighed pulling myself up off the sofa.

"What's this amazing plan you suggest then?" Brad frowned standing up as well.

"I have an idea of somewhere we could go...but we need my car," I shrugged and they all looked at me slightly surprised.

"Car?" James questioned clearly confused. "I didn't know..."

"Wow you're a great boyfriend James," Connor laughed putting his phone away.

"No I just didn't know you still had one in London," James shook his head defensively.

"I don't use it much because I hate driving in London, I use it for driving home," I explained. "Anyway we're getting off point go tell Tristan and get ready then we'll go get my car."

Once all the boy were ready which seemed to take forever we took a short taxi ride to my apartment where my car was parked round the back private parking. I walked straight up to it and checked the backseat to see if there was anything it in but thankfully the coast was clear and there weren't any incriminating things from my past in there. Quickly I unlocked the doors and slipped into the drivers seat as James went shotgun and the three boys got into the back.

"Why does James get to sit at the front Holly?" Connor whined.

"Because I'm her favourite one," James rolled his eyes and I let out a small laugh as I turned my keys in the car.

"Where are you taking us?" Tristan asked as I started to reverse out of the spot I'd parked in, I didn't really respond the question because I was focused on not hitting another car as I maneuvered out.

"You'll see when you get there," I sighed looking up in the mirror to check what was behind me.

"Will there be food there?" Connor asked eagerly as I found my way out of the parking lot.

"Erm no," I shook my head.

"I'm hungry," Connor whined.

"Well then we'll stop off at like Tescos so you can buy food," I rolled my eyes.

After making a quick stop off at a small tescos to get them some food I started to drive on the motorway to this woodland area outside of London that  had a view which I was pretty breathtaking. Still i didn't tell any of the boys about where we were going and kept focused on not causing any accidents instead of answering their questions.

"Holly please tell us," Tristan begged and I let out a small laugh.

"Sorry can't do that," I shrugged as I took the next exit off the motorway.

"James get your girlfriend to tell us where she's kidnapping us to," Brad frowned.

"No can do," James laughed and I heard Brad grumble and mutter about something or another.

Keeping It Up For The Cameras (James McVey/The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now