Chapter 32

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Things going back to normal felt oddly okay but I just felt quite slimy about it all for some reason. Now I knew James and his friends it felt mean pretending to be together, I felt bad enough lying to Zoe and being quizzed by my dad on a relationship I'm not really in but now it was harder because there were more people that I quite liked to lie to. I didn't like lying at the best of times and this sort of sucked. The problem was this went through my mind every time I was in a room with one of them and I think they just thought I had an extremely low attention span and would be talking all fine and normally and the next staring off into the distance thinking about this. I got a text from James telling me to go to their apartment for some reason, I think it was because they'd been so busy with Last Night and then the album and stuff about to come out. What was also weird was the right now even though it was April the weather was boiling. It was one of those days where I couldn't wear jeans because that would burn my legs so I had to pull out my summer clothes and threw on a pair of high waisted shorts and tank top, I was up to that point where I would no doubt sweat in anything I else I knew. England is mystery to us all.

"So where are we going?" I asked Connor who was walking next to me following us two falling behind the other three.

"I think just to Hyde Park to have a picnic," Connor answered and I nodded slowly understanding, not that it was hard to understand anyway.

"You excited then?" I looked over at him. "For yanno the album and stuff."

"Oh definatly," he laughed slightly at me. "I mean I never thought this would be happening."

"Yeah I get that," I nodded smiling slightly. "Trust me when you see it in HMV or Tescos you'll explode." I watched my feet with a small smile as I walked.

"I don't think I'm prepared," he sighed.

"You never will be," I shrugged looking up ahead where the other three were playing like children as they walked down a busy London street.

"Are you worried that they'll be songs about you on it?" Connor asked making me laugh slightly. "What's so funny about that?"

"Erm we've only been together since December," I explained even though really there was a big reason why there would never be a song about me on any Vamps album ever but that's something Connor wouldn't understand. "So no."

"Hmm I dunno," he smirked obviously trying to tease me.

"And I've heard it," I glanced over at him. "None."

"Not Girl On Tv?" he asked still staring at me.

"Nah," I laughed shaking my head. "Not me."

"Well it isn't about me," Connor shrugged grinning. "That is all I am saying."

"Whatever you like to think," I sighed shaking my head at him.

"Hey," James slowed down walking on my other side.

"Oh you want to walk with us now?" Connor asked jokingly making me let out a tiny laugh.

"No they were being mean to me," James sighed staring at the floor looking upset.

"Awh poor baby," I mocked him pouting slightly up at him.

"You're sarcasm isn't funny," he muttered and I just laughed looking away from him.

"I find it funny," Connor smirked at me and I gave a small nod.

"Two aginst one," I shrugged and with both looked at James.

"Whatever," James shook his head at me before looking over behind him and grabbing hold of my hand and I assumed without even having to turn back that there were some teenage girls behind us who could possably know who we are.

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