Chapter 1

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(Y/N) POV:

I slowly squinted my eyes open to a new day, with light shining through my half closed window. I grimaced in response to the light and turned around to face the other way so I wasn't directly in front of the frickin' sun, and closed my eyes again as a small smile formed on my lips and the grimace faded away. It was the first day of school. You'd think I'd be depressed because I mean hey, it's the first day of school. But nope. You know why?? Because I got into U.A.!! I was so excited I couldn't sleep last night, and when I finally did, it was like 4 in the morning... So I'm practically a zombie at the moment.

I sat up and shoved my duvet to the side, swung my legs down to the ground and started navigating myself through my room by using my hands, bumping into practically everything on the way. I still had my eyes closed, I mean every moment of sleep is precious. But when I finally came crashing into a wall I opened my eyes quickly before my butt thumped onto the hard floor.

"Ugh" I groaned.

"(Y/N) come down for breakfast right now or you'll be late for your first day!" my father boomed.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" I shouted back. I let out a heavy sigh. It wasn't going to be easy going to the same school your dad teaches at...

My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm All Might's daughter. His only child. My mother died just after I was born and I was left to live with my dad. I mean don't get me wrong, I love him tons but having the number one hero as your dad makes things a smidge difficult.

For starters, you would be a target for everyone who hates All Might, which surprisingly consists of a lot of people. So, I was basically raised in secret. No one knew about me, or the fact that All Might had a daughter. I hadn't inherited All Might's quirk considering it was an exception to how they are usually passed down through generations. However, I had inherited my mother's quirk: I could read minds and project my thoughts into other people's heads. I also happened to be great at combat (being All Might's daughter and all). Despite all this, I had a petite figure and glossy (h/c) hair even if I was basically the clumsiest person on earth - as I demonstrated earlier with my elegant demise to the floor. Luckily I took after my mother in the 'elegance' department.

I hastily clawed my way through my new uniform and ran down the stairs whilst tying my hair up. "Dad can you pass me that apple?" I asked, glancing at him. He tossed me the apple and I mumbled a quick thanks before stumbling out of the door.

As I walked down the street, backpack swung over one shoulder and munching on my apple, I spotted a certain broccoli head. I sprinted towards him with a huge stupid grin on my face "Izukuuuuuuu!" I yelled as I got closer. He turned around as he heard his name and my foot caught onto literally nothing which made me crash into him making us both fall. Like I said, elegant.

I knew all about Izuku and All Might's relationship, and he knew about who I was too, making it easier for us to become friends. He was my first friend and I loved him to bits. He was my smol green bean.

We lay on the floor and I started giggling because of Izuku's blush that started to spread across his face. He was too precious, I swear. He quickly sat up and dusted himself off, offering a hand to help me up which I gratefully took. We walked side by side talking about what we think U.A. would be like for the rest of the journey. We were probably leaving a trail of moe flowers behind us. We finally reached the gates and stopped, I looked at him full of nerves and excitement. He turned to face me with the same face before breaking out into a wide childish grin and took my hand to lead me inside. Eventually, we reached the front of a huge door, and nervously peeked inside. Izuku was immediately approached by some blue haired glasses dude with excessive hand gestures and a cute round faced girl. Due to the sudden ambush, he let go of my hand and waved his hands infront of him trying to keep a distance from the other girl. I smiled at the situation and made my way over to an empty seat. All the while, I hadn't noticed the 2 pairs of eyes that were on me.


gomen it's kind of short but i needed to set the scene but don't worry it will pick up pace - and if you have any suggestions tell me!!!!

sayonara (งツ)ว ╭(◔ ◡ ◔)/

Eliza x (wow i used the typical white girl fake kisses) - i do appreciate you guys tho ✌

Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن