Chapter 43

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-Bakugou POV-

'Dammit I don't actually feel anything like how I told her. I like her... so damn much. I was so scared that something might have happened, I was just so pissed at the time and frustrated that I couldn't help those words slipping from my mouth. Force of habit I guess. The old me didn't care about anything - so why now do I care so much about this girl?'

'Maybe this could be a good thing. I could focus on training and becoming number 1. I just have to keep myself away from her. I can't let my fucking emotions and hormonal teen tendencies cloud my judgement'

-(Y/N) POV-

Before I knew it, it was time for the camping trip. We were going to spend a couple weeks in a secluded wooded area to help develop our quirks – and my age. I was turning 16 the day after we arrive but no one knew – except Izuku of course. I was packing my bags since everyone was leaving this evening. When Yaomomo and Uraraka came back and saw me after I left, I was bombarded with a million hugs and questions. I filled them in on how I felt – smothered with everything at school and stuff but left out Narumi, and all the boys somehow weren't mentioned. I didn't need to tell them that. It's not their problem anyways.

By the time everyone was ready and leaving to get onto the bus, I automatically took the seat next to Izuku. I was feeling way more comfortable with him than anyone else lately, since Bakugou's declaration that he doesn't like me and Todoroki's evident depressive spell that envelops anyone within a 5 meter radius of him. I plonked down with a huff as Izu turned to face me from looking out of the window.

"hey" he said casually

Internally I was screaming from happiness at the familiarity of his personality and how safe I automatically felt. No nerves and uncertainty around him, and no increased heart rate – except for the occasional here and there...

"hey" I said smiling back at him

Aizawa sensei quickly announced that it was going to be a long bus ride and to make sure that we've all gone to the bathroom before we get going etcetera etcetera...

The bus started to move and everyone's chatting drowned out Aizawa sensei's voice. He quickly gave up though and sat back down. Everyone was occupied talking to each other except for 2 boys: Bakugou, who was staring out of the window with his usual angry expression and Shouto, who was staring blankly ahead of him. I kept my eyes fixed on Shouto trying to catch his eye to ask if he was okay – that's stupid he's obviously not. I just wanted to know what was wrong. I turned back around and sighed exceptionally loudly.

"what's wrong?" asked Izu

"You will not believe what happened yesterday when I saw Bakugou training." I started pulling my thoughts away from Shouto. I felt Izuku tense up slightly and he shifted his body slightly angled away from mine

"what happened?" he mumbled. I giggled and stuck my lower lip out, feigning a baby voice

"aww is my little green bean jealous?" I returned to my normal voice as Izuku rolled his eyes "no need to be anymore though I guess. He told me he didn't care about me"

"what?" Izuku said softly, turning to face me again

"yup" I said quietly, eyes cast down slightly

"are you okay? I mean you did care about him – I could tell"

"oh can you now - love expert?" I said teasingly with a quirked eyebrow. He shoved me gently before peeking behind him at the blonde haired Bakuhoe

I stayed looking down at my hands awkwardly.

'I remember when we held hands at the train station'

I shook my head a bit, trying to get back to reality and took the gum out of Izuku's backpack pocket. I took out the last piece and put it in my mouth as Izuku turned back around at me.

His eyes fixed onto the empty package of gum in my hand

"Did you just eat my last piece of gum?" he said, his voice growing lower

"no" I looked innocently up at him

"(Y/N)" he said slowly, dragging out my name.

"mmhm?" I said, busily chewing his gum. He edged closer with his face turning a light shade of pink. "Izuku if you come any closer you know we're gonna kiss" I whispered when his nose touched mine.

"(Y/N) do you remember when I did this?"

Before I could even respond, he ducked his head into the crook of my neck and I felt his hot breath a second before his parted lips rested on my neck and he began kissing it. I instantly tried to push him away "Izuku!" I started giggling

'why the hell does it tickle this much?'

I felt him smile and begin to trail up my neck with small quick kisses, all the way up to my cheek. Then he reached my mouth and muffled my giggles, deepening the kiss whilst holding onto my wrist from when I was trying to push him away. And he somehow managing to get his gum back. He pulled back, face beaming in triumph.

"How do you look so innocent after doing something like that?"

"It's my real superpower" he said back, giving me a small smirk. I shoved him against the window playfully. He chuckled and glanced out of the corner of his eyes at me. "it's your birthday soon"

"yup yours is next after mine" he nodded

"so what do you want?"

"I don't really know what I want this year – I already have everything I could ask for"

"you're seriously making this hard, I mean its not like I could give you All Might merch..."

"yeah please don't"

"How about on your birthday we bake your birthday cake together"

"sure it's a deal" I said locking pinkies with him.


Okay so I'm actually updating just after my graduation ceremony...yup I finished which means no more school...

why do I feel strangely empty now wtf

Aaaaanyways since I have nothing better to do, expect frequent updates (for real tho not kidding)

sorry for having such a weird update routine but I promise I'll finish the book!


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now