Chapter 29

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-(Y/N) POV-

When I got back to our room, I saw the vacuum cleaner beside my bed and sighed. I changed into some pyjama shorts and a top and plugged the vacuum cleaner plug into the socket.

I cleaned the floor, around the mini fridge, around the wardrobes and finally in the bathroom. Once I finished up, I looked around to see if I missed any spots. That's when I saw an earring dropped on the floor near Uraraka's dresser. I walked over and bent down to pick it up, as I did I saw the other one wedged between the wall and the side of the dresser. I got down on all fours and stretched my arm out, feeling around the floor for it.

'got it'

I stood up and turned around, earrings in my hand as I placed them back on the dresser. My eyes flickered up and met with a pair of red eyes.


"(Y/N)... everyone is downstairs in the living room and they asked me to get you" he said as he leaned against the open door.

"oh- okay" I said as I walked up to him. He looked me up and down, somewhat unhappy.

"um, I need to get past"

"are you gonna change?" he asked

"no why?" I asked



"You're not covered up enough" he said, his voice tinged with frustration and his eyes fixed on the floor.

"Pffffff Katsuki are you serious?" I asked, eyebrow raised. He stayed looking at the ground, blocking my way. "huh... fine" I huffed as I walked to my closet, pulling out some sweatpants

"happy?" I asked, showing him the pair of trousers. He tched and motioned to the bathroom, seemingly impatient. I rolled my eyes as I dragged my feet inside. I closed the door and swiftly changed then returned outside with my hands up and gave a slow twirl with my eyebrows raised. He grunted and tilted his head back, scrutinizing me "come on" he said as he began walking down the corridor with me trailing behind him.

-Bakugou POV-

I was walking into the living room when I saw everyone gathered around the sofa. Intrigued, I walked over, shoving my way through the cluster of 1-A students

"oh Bakugou we were just talking about how Mineta overheard the teachers talking about a camping trip" Kirishima stated

"actually wait not everyone is here, where's (Y/N)?" Mineta drooled with a dazed face.

"I'll go get her" I grumbled as I made my way up the girls' stairs, two at a time.

'which is her room again?' I thought as I walked down the corridor, peeking into the rooms with open doors. I looked to my right, into another room and saw (Y/N) on all fours with her ass up in the air as she fumbled around the dresser, looking for something. I stared at her shorts which were riding up, as I felt the blood rush to my head, but for some reason I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. That is, until she got up and faced me. I cleared my throat and looked up at her eyes hurriedly.


"(Y/N)... everyone is downstairs in the living room and they asked me to get you" I said, leaning against the open door.

"oh- okay" she nodded and walked up to me. My eyes trailed down her figure and I scowled at the thought of Deku, that half and half bastard or Mineta seeing her like this.

"um I need to get past" she said, looking up at me expectantly

"are you gonna change?" I blurted out

"no why?" she asked


'what the fuck do I say to that?! Oh, I can't stand the thought of sharing you?! For them to have THEIR eyes roam all over your perfect skin and undress you in their minds?! They're both disgusting as it is... seriously I may seem sweet around her but I'm not handling this whole thing very well'


"You're not covered up enough" I said, keeping my eyes stuck to the floor.

"Pffffff Katsuki are you serious?" I could feel her eyes staring me down in disbelief. "huh... fine" she huffed as she walked to her closet, pulling out some sweatpants.

"happy?" she asked, waving the pair of sweats around in the air. I pointed to the bathroom. she rolled her eyes and walked in stubbornly.

'DID SHE JUST ROLL HER EYES AT ME? She'll pay for that later...'

She closed the door and was out faster than fucking glasses dude with her hands up and gave a slow twirl. I grunted and tilted my head back, analysing her "come on" I said as I leaned off of the door and walked down the corridor, satisfied. I heard her little feet following me carefully and I smiled.

'at least she listened to me.'

-(Y/N) POV-

We made our way down the stairs and walked into the mass of students that were now all here.

"Okay so I was thinking that we all go shopping at the mall for things we need for this camping trip the teachers are planning for us" I heard someone say

"There's going to be a camping trip?!" I exclaimed, excitably

"yes" Iida confirmed with his arms crossed as I caught the eyes of Uraraka. We both grinned evilly at each other.

'you know what this means' I asked her with my quirk

'PRANKS AND SMOARS!' she practically screamed back at me causing me to giggle which caught Bakugou's attention beside me. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, as I did the same he gave a small devilish smile. His hand slid down to my ass and he gave it a cheeky grab before walking off.


well hello little jelly beans (not) reading this.

I'm finally off exam timetable and no longer have study leave... cri 

but I also have no exams except for Spanish speaking so WOOOOO

I also have a cold.. and had to leave the exam before my snot dribbled all over my work... yup i'm disgusting.

I had Bio and Chem today and in bio there was a question with a diagram of the different layers of a blood vessel and since I had time to spare I labelled them wall maria, wall rose and wall sina then drew a titan trying to get in...

me being ME FoRGoT tO RuB iT ouT sO nOW My tEaChER WiLl SeE ThAT...

and this was an official exam for university entries too ╭(;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')╮ why am I like this (╥_╥)

- Eliza <3

Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum