Chapter 24

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"Hey" he said, his voice laced with worry. He got up and dusted himself from the sand. He closed the distance between us and reached out, putting both hands on my arms and looking into my eyes "What's wrong? Why are you still awake?" he spoke quietly. I looked to the side, avoiding eye contact.

"u-um Izu...ku..." I trailed off

The words 'I don't want to lose you!' practically screamed in my head, as I tightly shut my eyes.

Before I knew it, I was encased in the smell of his clothes and the slight scent of apple shampoo, which I noticed was his favourite. His warmth radiated from his body and his arms circled around my waist and held me close to his chest "tell me" he pleaded "you won't lose me I promise"

I breathed the scent of him in and let out an exasperated sigh. "Izuku, Katsuki and Shouto also do I put this?" my frown deepened as I tried to form the right words, but was cut off by Izuku pulling away and out of the hug.

"I know" he said in a saddened tone, dropping his arms from my sides defeatedly.

"wait-what?" my eyes widened 'whhhaaaat'

"It was a while back actually when you had all those hickeys on your neck."

'right...they've healed now'

"Look into my head, I'll show you- it's probably the easiest way for you to see" he said, giving me a saddened, soft smile whilst guiding me closer. We held hands as I watched Izuku close his eyes and think back:


"Don't touch (Y/N)" Kacchan growled.

"why would you care about (Y/N)?" Todoroki questioned as I felt the air begin to cool. 'Todoroki's mad'

"She's mine" I heard Bakugou shout.

'since when?! Did something happen between (Y/N) and Bakugou too?' I looked down is sadness. 'it feels like she's leaving me behind'

"Evidently, she's not. She's already mine, or have you not seen her neck?" Todoroki retorted in his smooth, calm voice.

"we'll see about that" Kacchan claimed as his footsteps neared towards me, and further from Todoroki.

Before I could move, Bakugou came face to face with me.

"huuh?!" he growled "got a problem Deku?"

"I'm not going to lose to you anymore Kacchan" I practically whispered, still looking down.

"I can't fucking hear you when you're cowering in fear you shitrag" he said with a smile on his face

"I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE TO YOU KACCHAN!" I shouted, looking up and into his eyes.

His face turned into one of frustration.

"tch. As if you could ever make (Y/N) see YOU as more than a friend." A cocky smile still plastered onto his face, but I could see the pain seeping in his eyes.

He stomped off, leaving Todoroki and I in silence.

Todoroki got up and faced me from across the hall "I can't let you have her" he said.

"neither can I"


Izuku opened his eyes and searched my face for any tells as to what I could be thinking

"so... you know" I dragged out slowly, processing what I had just witnessed.

"yes" he said quickly, looking down and confirming my statement.

"Izuku but I feel guilty! It's not fair!" I burst out, whimpering. His head whipped around at the sound of my fragmented and pained words.

"no no no (Y/N)! don't cry, we all understand the circumstances, you don't have to feel bad about anything!" he said comfortingly, once again taking my hands in his and shaking his head. "(Y/N)" he said softly "I love you" he said with a forced smile on his face in attempts to cheer me up. "Although I don't really like the idea of them touching or thinking about you in that way" he said with a nervous chuckle masking his discomfort at the idea.

"I love you too Izuku" I whispered, eyes cast down "I don't think any less of your feelings just because two other boys have the same ones you do" I mumbled, fiddling with the hem of my pyjama top. Finally I looked up at Izuku who's eyes trailed all around my face.

"I know."

'how the hell is he okay with this??? I mean he's practically sharing me-' my trail of thought vanished as I glanced at his eyes, making me forget my trail of thought. 'his forest green eyes that always seem so calculating when coming up with a plan in battle yet so welcoming and understanding when it comes to people'. The moonlight shone and danced with every changing emotion reflected in his eyes.

My trance broke when I felt his hand on my cheek "You're so beautiful" he smiled. I let my hands drop to my sides and a smile began to form on my face as I shook my head, sighing. I sat down on the sand, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from my chest. I let the wind blow through my hair. Izuku sat beside me.

"It's going to be hard though. This is a battle I cannot lose to the villains in" he mumbled to himself. I giggled, looking up at his face. His fingers pinched his chin in thought, and his brow creased.

"They're not villians Izu" I said with a half smile.

"easy for you to say- they're trying to get your affection!" he grumbled

"well, last I checked you have an advantage..." His eyes shot up


"I already love you Izuku- and I know you a lot better" I pointed out.

"(Y/N) you know the opposite side of me as you do them!" he whined


"Look" he faced me "You know them romantically. You think of them in a different light, and yes, you haven't developed love for them yet but that's still a challenge for me to break through that barrier of you only seeing me as a friend" he said- really fast. "Oh god, you don't love any of them yet do you?!"

He stared at me intently with a slight grimace on his face.

I frowned, looking as if I was in deep thought. His panicking intensified as the silence dragged on. I looked him in the eyes, as an amused took over my face.

"I'm pretty new to all these feelings so... no. not yet" I said, as he let out the breath he was holding.

He changed position, and leaned back so that his head was on my lap.

"Izuukuuuu stop staring" I said, bringing my hands up to cover my face. He pouted and brought his hands up, taking mine and bringing them to his lips. He kissed my hands and kept them tightly enclosed in his own. "never"


I just want these mocks to be over already... 2 weeks and 4 days countdown till the first day of death...

LETS BE POSITIVE THO - I hope you like this chapter ╰[✿•̀o•́✿]╯

- Eliza

Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now