Chapter 36

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I wasn't walking for long before I heard a group of boys close by. Their voices sounded familiar and my walk slowed into a tip toe as I glanced around trees that separated the paths. There was a park on the other side, and I spotted Kaminari with Mineta and Tokoyami talking on the swings- well Kaminari and Mineta were, Tokoyami just sat there listening and observing in the quiet way he usually does. My eyes trailed to the bus stop on the other side of the park behind the boys. Not taking my eyes off of them, I crept slowly around the park – only to come face to face with a roadworks sign that blocked off the pavement and road.


'the only way to the bus stop is THROUGH THE FUCKING PARK'

I glanced back up at the boys. Kaminari was standing on a swing and rocking it back and forth, laughing and mineta was explaining something to them whilst Tokoyami looked bored. I hid behind the trees and made my way across the park as subtly as possible. Tokoyami looked around him and motioned for the boys to start walking back to school. It was getting dark and I guess he didn't want to have an unexpected meeting with dark shadow. The boys began to get up and walked towards none other than me.

I jumped behind a bench since they were getting closer to me and turned my face to see another staring back at me. She had green eyes that stared straight through me with surprise and fear.

"Narumi?" I whispered

He face contorted into one of disgust once she realised who I was and she looked annoyed as she brought her finger up to her lips motioning for me to be quiet. I stared at her a little longer and nodded my head. We both turned our faces back to the boys leaving the park and waited until we could no longer hear them. The only sounds were the leaves rustling in the trees and the high pitched whistle of the wind at night. I stood up from our hiding place and she copied my motions. We stared at each other for a moment, but she broke the silence

"What are YOU doing here?" she questioned, keeping that same look of disgust plastered on her face.

"I could ask you the same thing but I think I already know" I said, a mischievous glint reflecting in my eyes.

Her expression became more fearful and worrisome and tears sprung to her eyes.

"How the fuck could you know you're just a-a-"

"-my quirk let me see into peoples' minds" I explained cutting her off. The tears she tried hard to keep from falling were cascading down her face, her green eyes were now full of hate and sadness. "Back when I met you, you were more focused on something behind me. I used my quirk to see what it was that grabbed your attention. I felt love filling your thoughts and at first I didn't know who that was directed to... but now I think I know."

"You used your fucking quirk to intrude on MY thoughts?!" he voice wavered as she continued to pierce arrows into my soul with her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I know that was wrong of me... I just couldn't help it... and your emotions were pretty strong it was hard not to read them" I looked down and shame started to fill me.

Her sobbing was the only thing to be heard from a mile away, and it continued for an uncomfortable amount of time. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, unsure of what to do. Her sobs eventually began to quieten to a sniffle, and I dared to look up again. She was more sad now than angry.

"so you know that I'm in love with Kaminari" she whispered carefully, voice still raw from the crying. She brought her eyes to meet mine and I nodded in reply.

"you should know that he's a total player" I said back at her, trying to lighten the mood. She gave me a wary look before sighing.

"I know... he's got a date day after tomorrow with one of my friends from my school"


She gave a small chuckle and climbed over the bench to sit on it. "yup"

"well... seems like I'm not the only one with boy trouble... you know what we could do?" I looked over at her slyly as she stared back at me questioningly.

"we could totally ruin their date and get you two together" I suggested.

She thought about it for a while before breaking out into a grin. "well she is a player too and we aren't that close" I gave her a grin. She looked at me, seemingly more comfortable with me and her cold demeanour melted away.

"Back when I asked you why you're here, boy trouble? is that why you're here?" she said sarcastically with an eyebrow quirked.

"ugh don't get me started" I rolled my eyes.

"and what was going on between you and Shouto?! I could cut the sexual tension with that small ice cream spoon"

"it's a long story..." I mumbled

"I was just spying on the love of my life... you think I have anything better to do?" she laughed.

"fair enough – but you asked for it" I said raising my eyebrows as a warning.

I told her about Izuku, Katsuki and Shouto and how they all like me – Shouto even dropped the L word before- her eyes widened at that

"I swear he has never said that to anyone" she commented

"I know right?"

"omg go on! this is like a real-life reverse harem!" she exclaimed, eyes sparkling. I quirked an eyebrow and she slapped my arm playfully.

"Anyways, Izuku and I have been best friends a while before U.A. and Katsuki has known him since they were practically babies but Katsuki bullies Izuku all the frickin' time! So there's that too..."

"and the whole dad-shouto dynamic as well" she finished off.


"dude..." she said after I'd finished, shaking her head in disbelief

"I know..."

"so now you're running away because you can see it makes them upset and you feel guilty?" she asked staring at my bag

I nodded and looked at her unsure of what to do next.

"well... looks like you need someplace to crash" she looked at me, eyes twinkling.

Before I could protest, she brought a finger up to my mouth "honey I NEED to see how this plays out. And we need time to come up with a plan to ruin Kaminari's date. So you're definitely staying at my place"

"are you sure?" I asked once she dropped her finger

"PLEASE my parents probably won't even notice and it's not like you want to stay at some crusty motel right?"


"damn straight woman! Now lets go I'm starving and tired and we both need pizza" she finished before dragging me off of the bench.

"you know you're not as evil as I thought you were" I said.

"same here" she looked back at me, "but you're paying for the pizza"


As promised another update <3

Mocks are almost over - only 4 more tests to go woooooooooooo


Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now