Chapter 37

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We walked along the pavement which was lined with a soft hazy yellow from the streetlamps.

"I swear if you like pineapple on pizza you'll go back to being my enemy" she said in a serious tone.

"no way that stuff is poisonous" I shoot back at her, hands in the pockets of my jacket. She nodded, letting out a relieved sigh


I let out a satisfied puff of air which materialized in the cold around me and glanced at her. Narumi was tapping away on her phone, brow creased in concentration. "okay the closest pizza place is like 5 minutes away" she said handing me her phone to show me.

I squinted my eyes and zoomed in to look at the place before giving her my nod of approval and her phone back.

She grinned and her pace quickened as she directed me to pizza express.

Our walk ended with a run as soon as we saw the shop and our mouths started salivating as well as the cold which was getting too much to bear when we could see all that hot pizza being served inside. We made a beeline for the little booth in the corner and plopped down, taking off our jackets.

"I'm STARVING" she grumbled calling a waiter over "I'll have peperoni pizza medium size"

"make that a large" I cut in

"and two cokes please" she finished off. The waiter hurried off and we resumed our talking. Narumi placed the menus upright and used them to block off our faces

"what are you doing?" I asked eyebrow quirked and an amused look on my face

"well we've got to come up with a secret plan to break up my friend and Kaminari" she whispered

"yeah but there's no one we know here"

"STILL this is top secret... I feel like part of some kind of melodrama"

I rolled my eyes and ducked behind the menus

"okay so what were you thinking of?" she asked

"well do you know where the date is?"

"At some Park- probably the one we were just at and then they're going to a restaurant"

"okay when?"

"Day after tomorrow" I gave her a smug look and her brow furrowed in response "why?"

"We have all of tomorrow to get stuff to ruin it"

"like what?" she threw her hands up dramatically with an over exaggerated sigh


"OOH yeah" her eyes glistened and she leaned closer again

"we have to come up with a way to make her late as well so it starts off bad" I added. Narumi nodded in agreement and she began chewing her lip in thought.

"we can also mess with the sprinklers in the park and get it to spray her"

"mhm yeah we can totally do that" I giggled just as the pizza came and we both dug in, stuffing our faces.

When we finished, we paid and left swiftly, eager to get home to sleep for our busy day tomorrow. Narumi guided me to the street that led to her house bubbling with excitement- something about the expression on her friends face when everything starts going to hell.

We eventually made it to her front door and she turned to me briefly "okay we have to be quiet my parents are probably asleep and so's my sister"


Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now