Chapter 25

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-(Y/N) POV-

Once we both got up and strolled back to the school, it was around one in the morning.



"do you know how to do washing"

'that's not what I was expecting'

"yeah, why- wait do you not know how to do your washing?"

I glanced to my side at his increasingly embarrassed face.

I burst out laughing "is this like your last clean outfit?" I asked, grinning as he playfully shoved me. "okay, okay we'll do our washing now whilst no one is doing theirs. Go to your room and get all your laundry and I'll do the same. I'll meet you in the laundry room." I stated.

"okay" he replied, smiling.

'such a kid'

"Uh would a kid do this?" he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him, I gasped in surprise and he looked at me in the eyes with a teasing glint as he leaned closer, inching towards my face until his nose rubbed against mine and eventually placed his soft lips on mine. He pulled me closer to him and pressed himself against me before pulling back, smiling and leaving me stunned. 'oops he heard me' I thought quietly, glancing at him. He took my hand in his and carried on walking as if nothing had just happened, but his mind was literally the loudest thing in the universe and I could hear him freaking out on the inside, making me smile and lean into him, which only caused more of a reaction in his thoughts.

I found it hard to keep from laughing from his reactions for the rest of the walk to school.

"I'll see you in the laundry room" he whispered in my ear once we got to the base of the stairs, and we went our own ways. I crept into my room and went into the bathroom for my basket full of dirty clothes. I shoved it in a bag and closed the door to my dorm behind me. I walked down the stairs and through the kitchen to the small room at the edge of the building. I walked in, seeing Izuku still wasn't here. I switched on the single light that shone a soft glow in the room and placed my bag of dirty clothes on the floor and hopped on top of one of the machines, kicking my legs in the air and waited for him. Shortly after, sure enough Izuku walked in and closed the door behind him. He grinned at me as soon as he saw me, and I hopped off of the machine. He dropped his bag of dirty clothes beside mine and walked up to the machine.

"so how do you work this exactly?"

"watch me do it first, then you try" I explained

He nodded and watched carefully at me pressing the different buttons on the machine, and setting the machine at the different settings.

"Izuku can you pass me my bag" he did so and I began explaining "okay look, so you want to separate all the light pieces of clothes and the dark ones- otherwise some of the colours will dye the lighter ones" I said as I began picking out all the light clothes and dropping them in the machine. A clump of clothes fell out of the bag, and after I finished sifting through the items in the bag I kneeled on the ground and picked them up. Izuku began turning an alarming crimson red "Izuku what's wrong?" I asked, quizzically. He covered his face and pointed at the items of clothes in my hand. I shifted my attention to them and realised that I was holding a bunch of my underwear.

"oh" I had to clasp my hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing but quickly began to feel heat from the embarrassment that crept up onto my face. I quickly chucked them in the washing machine "all clear now Izuku" his hands lowered and he breathed out. "your turn" I gestured to him, and he walked over to the machine besides mine. He began to sort through his clothes and every now and then, he would turn to face me to see if he was doing good so far. Once he was finished, he turned to face me with an excited smile on his face. I giggled "you did I-" I was cut off by the machine starting to shake as bubbles began to seep out from the edges. My eyes locked onto the rumbling machine, as Izuku turned and stared at it in shock "Izuukuuuu" I said, worriedly. He glanced back at me with worry and-I shouldn't say fear but yes- fear. My shocked expression morphed into one of happiness as I burst out laughing at how Izuku frantically began scooping the foamy bubbles in his hands and into a sink nearby.

"(Y/N)!!! Not funny!"

"SSHHH! Izuku you can't make any noise!" I said between laughing. He glared at me, sending me into another fit of giggles. "Oh my god okay this is bad" I whispered as I started helping him. The bubbles had coated a layer of the floor and began rising up, filling the room up. The room was now filled up to my chest and Izuku's stomach as I searched for the plug. I finally found it and yanked it out of the socket. The machine died as I slipped and disappeared into the bubbly goodness.

"(Y/N!)" Izuku whisper shouted. I carefully stood up and made my way over to him, clinging onto the shirt he had on, making him slip and disappear from my sight. I started giggling uncontrollably "Izu-woah" I squealed as I felt his hand on my hip and pull me down too. He stood up, soaked, and I once again clung to the back of his shirt, pulling myself up. He turned around and started to style two devil horns on my head using the bubbles "You little devil" he muttered and replaced my grasp of his shirt with his hands. "Izuku how do we clean this up?" I said, staring into his eyes.

"I have no idea" playfulness cast upon his features.


mhm yup k

- Author-chan

Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now